Chapter Seventeen

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On the way home, George feels like he's physically dragging himself.

Maybe it was stupid of him to be on his phone on the way home to his flat in London of all places, but heaven forbid he took any longer to type out a message for Dream.

Your manager probs already told you but someone saw you and Joseph fight. IDK what to do.

Hope things go well.

He's tempted to throw his phone out, but since he was just 30 seconds away from his door; he ends up just turning the phone off and throwing it in his room once he got in.

It landed somewhere , and he's pretty sure it's cracked.

Grabbing a pair of basketball shorts to change into, he eyes the secret stash of whisky he kept hidden away from everyone else. He was never much of a drinker, but he was no saint.

Neglecting to grab a new top,he grabs the bottle.

He cracks it open, justifying that he can drink just a little bit.

Immediately wincing at the first swig, he eyes the bottle.

So maybe it will be more than "just a little bit" .

Before he even notices, he's drinking a good 6th part of the whisky.

He feels guilty, if not a little warm. But even in his drunken stupor, he refuses to take off the oversized sweater that still smelled like the Brighton beach.

Humming one of the songs that Dream let him listen to, he giggles. He takes his guitar, not minding the way he almost dropped the expensive thing.

He sings out, smiling to himself. He hums the rest of the song in more or less a similar manner, pretending to play the chords like a little kid.

He takes another swig of alcohol, and it's a blessing that he hasn't broken anything yet.

He looks over at a random direction.

The random direction, unluckily, being an open door with Joseph peeking in.

"Joseph!", he greets, grinning. He's mad, incredibly frustrated at the blond. But the alcohol in his system had started its work at turning him into a giggly fool.

"What kind of pressure do they put on you, Joseph? It made you so dumb with your feelings."

Despite the giggle, the tension was very apparent. It almost sobers him up, but he drinks away from the smallest hint of his head clearing up.

"I don't know, Georgie..."

Joseph approaches him, taking the guitar and bottle away from him. He notices the blond wince at the now half-empty bottle, and chuckles.

"'M not even drunk."

He hears the blond hum in agreement, and then he's being guided to sit on his bed. He lies down, burying his face on his pillow.

"I... I came here to apologize. And, I want to make a deal."

George freezes.

He doesn't want to hear it, scared that his thing with Dream would get brought up. Oh god, why-

"Tomorrow. Just one. One date. That's all I ask. If you're still in love with Dream, then I'll... I'll stop. But please Georgie..."

He looks up, and Joseph looked like he was ready to carve his heart out and serve it on a silver platter.

He gulps.

"Tell me I'm not too late, Georgie."

George didn't even notice that Joseph was still holding the guitar until the blond started playing it.

"Watch the sunset along the coast" , he sings.

Despite the alcohol in his system, he can tell that Joseph was nervous. He adjusts himself, still lying flat on his stomach, but looking at his best friend.

"As were both getting old. Cant describe what im feeling. And all I know is were getting old."

He thinks back to a 17-year-old Joseph, crying his heart out because his girlfriend broke up with him on his birthday. Despite not being very close, the blond had asked him to stay with him in the park. They stayed out until 9 p.m., George being semi-responsible and getting them home not too late at night.

"So please dont let me go, oh. Dont let me go, oh-oh-oh"

Before he could even analyse the lyrics, he sees a tear slip from Joseph. His mind short-circuits, and he couldn't bring himself to move and comfort the blond.

So, he stays unmoving, listening.

"And if its right." , Josephs voice cracks a little. George finds it beautiful anyway. "I dont care how long it takes."

"'As long as im with you, ive got a smile on my face. Save your tears, it'll be okay. All i know is that your here with me."

Joseph opens his eyes, repeating the last lyrics. Tears flow unrestrained, and George could feel himself start to cry as well.

"There's more but... I-"

"Sing it."

The blond blinks in surprise, chuckling. He nods, repositioning the guitar.

"Watch the sunset rise as were getting old. Oh-oh"

Joseph winces, a contrast to George giggling.

"I can't describe, whoa-oh. I wish I could live through every moment again."

George shivers.

"Just one more time before we float off in the wind. And all the time we spent."

The blond looks at him again, smiling. It was broken, sad, desperately grasping at the last soot of the now extinguished fire that once was George's feelings.

Or at least, that's what George's drunken mind supplies.

"Waiting for the light to take us in."

He shifts his cheek that was lying on the pillow, feeling uncomfortably warm.

Joseph slows down a bit, and George thought the song was about to end. It suddenly picks up again, however, and the man continues singing,

"Have been the greatest moments of my life."

The brunet chuckles in disbelief, watching as the blond continues playing.

"I don't care how long it takes. As long as im with you I've got a smile on my face."

"'Save your tears, it'll be okay. Ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay"

"Yeah with me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh."

"I can't describe, oh, oh."

George shivers, and Joseph puts the guitar down.

"So... tomorrow?"

"... You won't take no for an answer. "

Joseph laughs, grinning at him, George smiles back.

The blond exits his room, cheering for himself.

George squeezes his pillow, feeling nauseous. Guilt flowed through his veins, and he thinks it's replaced the blood.


I love the song that I used for this chapter lol

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