Chapter 11: Solution

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When I got back to the farmhouse I hobbled back to Maggie's room and sat down on the bed. I took my boots off and checked my ankle. It looked like I had overdone it a bit, as it had swollen a bit more.

Just as I was checking my ankle, I heard the bedroom door slam open and shut. I looked up to see an angry looking Maggie.

"You went to see Randall?" She demanded.
Why!? Your ankle hasn't healed yet and he's dangerous."
I shrugged my shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
"Everyone was arguing about it. Thought I'd help out."
Her gaze shifted to my ankle.
"He hurt you?" She came closer and bent down, inspecting my ankle.
"No, I just overdid it a bit."

She sighed, then sat next to me. She leaned on her elbows, head turned to me.
"You could've got hurt. Daryl could've misunderstood you." She scolded.
"I knew what I was doing."
She let out a frustrated sigh.
"They've decided to execute him. Daryl told Rick about what happened."
I turned to Maggie, my gaze softening.
"That what you're upset about? Him dying?"
She shook her head.
"If Rick thinks it's right, and it protects dad and Beth, I don't mind."

I studied her face. Something was clearly troubling her. I could tell. Her brows were furrowed and she barely looked me in the eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder. Though she said she didn't mind, it clearly bothered her.

"Somethings wrong. What is it?" I asked.
"Does it make us bad people? For killing him?" Her voice was quiet and she finally met my gaze. I moved my hand from her shoulder to her hand.
"Of course not. Maggie, if you were bad people you would have killed me without giving me a chance to explain myself. If you were bad people, you wouldn't have saved Randall in the first place." I said gently.

The room was silent for a moment. I wasn't sure what else to say. Maybe I shouldn't have interfered after all. I just messed everything up, and instead of protecting people I made them upset.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.
"For what?" Maggie asked softly.
"I should have just left it. I thought if I found out if he was dangerous or not everyone would stop arguing. That they'd decide on something. Keep everyone safe."
Maggie shook her head and grabbed my hand that was on hers.
"No, you helped. You did something they had been trying to do for days. They can finally make a choice with a clear conscience thanks to you." She comforted.

We sat there for a while, hand in hand, in silence, until I decided to get up, making Maggie lose her grip on my hand.

"Where are you going?" She called.
"Secret" I replied, jokingly.
Maggie scoffed and chased after me.
"Can't you just tell me?" She protested.
I got to the door and stopped and turned to face her just before I closed it.
"Nope" I replied, popping the 'p' and closed the door in her face.

I looked around the farm for Rick. If killing the kid bothered Maggie that much, I can only imagine how much it bothered him. I made a rule with myself to not get involved with others, but I had already broken that, so I might as well go all the way.

It took me a while to find Rick, and I did eventually find him, back near the barn, with Daryl and Shane. I walked over to them, trying to be careful of my ankle.

"For God's sake, Rick! We know he's dangerous, we should just kill him!" Yelled Shane.
"There ain't no if anymore. He definitely killed people." Daryl voiced.
"I know, I know! But he's still just a kid."
"Being a kid doesn't mean he's innocent, we both know that" Shane argued.

The three of them were arguing, again. I decided to announce my presence.

"Rick." I called. All three of them looked over to me.
"Y/n, what is it?" Rick replied.
"I'm sorry if I interfered in your...situation with Randall. I should've stayed out of it sorry."
Rick shook his head and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It's fine. We found out more about him thanks to you."
Daryl gave me a silent nod, seemingly agreeing with Rick. Shane just stood there, angry and silent.

I walked over to the barn and peeked inside. Seeing Randall beaten and bloodied in a corner. Then I turned back to look at the three of them.
"You don't have to kill him." I voiced.
"You're joking right!? He's killed people!" Shane yelled.
"He threatened ya earlier. Said he'd kill ya, and you're saying he ain't a threat?" Daryl questioned.
I shook my head and walked back to the three of them.
"I didn't say he wasn't a threat. I said you didn't have to kill him"
"If we don't, he'll kill us!" Shane yelled.

Rick rested a hand on his hip and looked down, brows furrowed. He looked tired of arguing.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do. I haven't been here long enough to do that. But just listen a moment." I started.

"The world's different. I get that. But you two were cops, right? You dealt with crooks before, whether it be shoplifters to murderers. YOU, out of everyone, should know when and what punishment should be handed out."

"The law doesn't mean anything anymore" Shane argued.
"We don't have courts and jails and handcuffs. Killing him is our best option."

I leaned closer to Rick, and rested a hand on his shoulder.
"The world is different, but it hasn't changed. It's changed people. Don't let it change you."
He nodded, understanding what I had meant.
"Whatever call you make, I know will be the right one" I said to all of them, then walked off.

I left them to their decision. Killing someone was a hard decision to make, no matter how you justified it. I didn't know the group well, but I knew this decision was breaking them. You can't ask a normal person to execute someone, of course they'd find it too much. I just hoped what I said gave Rick peace of mind, no matter what he chose.

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