Chapter 48: Setting off

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Three days passed in no time. If I wasn't preparing for the run, double checking our fuel, food, supplies..etcetera, I was spending time with Maggie and her family. Though Rick said to rest, I was happy to help Hershel prepare the livestock and crops we had for winter whenever I was free.

I had actually gotten a lot closer to Hershel during this time. He told me old stories about the Greene family and taught me all their farming techniques passed down from generation to generation. Hershel even told me stories from when Maggie was younger, which Maggie didn't appreciate as much, but I most certainly did.

I awoke to the heavy banging and clanking of metal.
"Wake yer ass up. Time to roll." Daryl barked.
I groaned and rolled over, hiding myself in my blanket.
"Five more minutes..."
"No, ye get yer lazy ass up, now."
I groaned and didn't budge.
I heard a grunt as well as a familiar snigger.
"I'd listen if I were you..." Maggie sang.

When I didn't move, I heard heavy footsteps approach me, then yank the blanket off of my body. I groaned and curled up, hugging myself, still not entirely awake.
"Don't make me sit on ye."
"Whatever" I mumbled.
"Y/n.." Daryl warned.
I ignored him and turned over.
He grunted.
"Fine, have it yer way."

I felt a very heavy, crushing force pounce on top of me, squeezing all the air out my lungs. As soon as I felt the impact, I gasped awake. Daryl really wasn't joking, he had thrown himself on top of me. I instantly sat up, trying to push Daryl off me.

"Get off! Get off! You're crushing me!"
He chuckled and wriggled around, purposely adding more force.
I heard Maggie chuckle from the doorway.
"Ye up now?"
"I'm up! I'm up! Wide awake, so get off!"
Daryl got up, giving me a smirk.
"You're such a brute!" I complained.
"I did warn ye."
I noticed Maggie giggling to herself in the doorway.
"You let him suffocate me!?"
She held her arms up in surrender, not able to stop her laughing.
I looked between the two of them and huffed.
"Traitors. The both of you!"
They both chuckled and Daryl went to leave.
"Get ready, we're leaving in ten." He said as he exited the cell.

I watched him leave, sticking my tongue out at him behind his back, making Maggie laugh. She walked towards me, throwing my jacket onto my lap, then took a seat beside me.

"You're so childish." She scolded, rolling her eyes.
"And you're a traitor." I sassed.
She slapped my thigh and smirked.
"You didn't wake up." She justified.
"You didn't wake me!"
She stroked my thigh.
"I thought I'd let you rest."
My expression softened and I placed my hand on hers.
"That, and I thought it'd be funny seeing Daryl wake you..."
I groaned and grabbed the pillow from behind me, whacking her with it.
"Evil! Evil traitor!"
She chuckled and tried defending herself.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She laughed.
I paused and raised a brow at her.
"It was funny though."

I threw the pillow at her, but she quickly got up and dodged it. I instantly got up, going after her. I caught her before she reached the door, latching myself onto her hip. She tried prying me off but I wouldn't let go. But I soon loosened my grip on her, turning my little tackle into a hug as I relaxed against her warmth. She took hold of one of my hands, caressing it, then bringing it up to her mouth, giving me a soft kiss.

"You're cute when you're annoyed." She said softly.
I grumbled into her back.
"So you let that barbarian pounce on me?"
She chuckled softly, playing with my fingers.
I sighed then planted a small kiss on her back.
"You're lucky we're busy, otherwise I'd get you back."
She turned to face me and wrapped her arms around me.
"Oh? And what would you do, little trouble?"
I pulled away and smirked at her.
"Wouldn't you like to know.."

I got dressed and grabbed my belongings, Maggie helping me, since I was still a little sleepy, that, and she just enjoyed teasing me. As soon as we were done, we made our way outside, meeting up with Glenn, Daryl and Rick by the trucks.

On the way out Carol handed me a small breakfast since she knew I had just got up, which I was grateful for. She gave me a long, warm, hug, reluctant to let me go.
"You be safe out there."
I returned her hug, rubbing her back soothingly.
"I will."
"You don't do anything drastic! Return to  me in one piece!"
She pulled away and gave me a stern look.
"I will, I will!"
Maggie rested her hand on my shoulder and nodded to me.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure she stays out of trouble."
Carol gave her a satisfied nod. She gave me one last glance before letting me leave.
"One piece!" She ordered, pointing at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, mom."

We made our way over to everyone, stopping in front of the trucks.
"All ready?" Rick nodded as he noticed us.
I yawned and nodded back.
"Could do with more sleep."
Maggie rolled her eyes and nudged me.
The others chuckled.
"Com'on, ye can get sleep in the truck."
"Don't I need to lead the way?"
"Not till we get there"
Maggie pat my shoulder.
"I'll drive."
I nodded and threw my things into the back of the truck, Maggie doing the same.

We double checked everything, not setting off till we were sure we had everything and we were leaving well prepared. We then split off into our different trucks. Glenn and Daryl in one, Maggie and I in the other. Daryl was a bit grumpy that I wasn't his road buddy, but, he couldn't argue with Maggie. The suggestion alone made Maggie glare daggers at him. If looks could kill, well, he'd be dead ten times over.

We all got into our trucks, Maggie and Daryl starting the engines. Rick stood beside us, hands on his hips.
"Remember, be careful. We need supplies, but more than anything, I want you all back safe."
I threw him a thumbs up out the window.
"We'll be back before you know it!" I assured.
He chuckled and nodded.
"Stay safe." Daryl grunted.
"Same goes. Keep quiet and lay low." Rick instructed.
Glenn nodded.
"Wasn't planning to do anything else."
"Look after my dad and Beth for me." Maggie asked.
Rick nodded.
"I will, don't worry. I'll keep them safe."
She nodded then turned back to the wheel.
Daryl huffed and reved the engine.
"Time to go."

Rick nodded to the gate and Carl opened it for us, letting us out. Daryl pulled out first, us following after. I stuck my head out the window and waved to both him and Rick.
"We'll be back before you know it! So, don't go dying on me!"
I saw them smile as they slowly faded into the distance. I heard Carl yell something, but I wasn't quite sure what. I leaned back into the truck, closing the window, letting out a loud sigh.
"Ready for a long journey?" Maggie asked.
I sighed again and slumped in my chair.
"No. But at least I got you."
She smiled softly.
"Get some sleep. I'll wake you if anything happens."
"Sure? You won't be lonely?"
She shook her head.

I placed my hand on her thigh, rubbing it gently, then I closed my eyes. At least this way, even whilst I was asleep, she wouldn't feel alone. I relaxed into my seat, letting out soft breaths. Maggie turned on the radio, sticking a country disc inside, making me chuckle.

"You're such a cowgirl..." I mumbled.
I felt her tap my hand.
"And you're such a city princess."
I groaned and began to drift off to the sound of the music and her gentle breathing.
"Whatever, bossy boots..."
"Just sleep, y/n."

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