Chapter 49: Pacifica

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After a very, very long, boring drive filled with multiple naps and Maggie's...questionable music taste, we finally arrived to the outskirts of Pacifica. The journey was slightly quicker than I thought it would be, considering we arrived just before dusk. I was honestly expecting to arrive at dark, but I wasn't complaining.

Daryl whistled, signaling Maggie to stop the truck, so we pulled up beside him. I rolled down my window so we could hear him and Glenn.

"Be nigh'fall soon. Best te get some shelter fer the nigh'."
Everyone agreed, then Glenn peeked over Daryl's shoulder.
"Y/n, you know this place best. Is there a place we can hide-out for the night? Preferably, a place with stairs we can block, or with two exits."
I hummed in thought then looked around us.
"A place to stay..."
I snapped my fingers as I got an idea.
"My friends apartment. It's not far from here. About...two blocks? It's also not too far from the mall."
"Sounds good." Glenn agreed.
"Yer gon have te lead the way." Daryl said.

As soon as he said that I got out the truck. Maggie understood and got out too, switching seats with me, letting me drive. I knew the roads better than she did and she'd been driving all day, it was only fair.

I whistled, signaling Daryl to follow me, then drove off, leading the way.
"You sure it's safe there?" Maggie asked.
"Let's hope..."
Maggie looked around the streets.
"It looks quiet so far.."
"Mn, so far. Let's hope all the walkers are in Atlanta."
She nodded and sat back.
"Let's hope..."

It was quiet for a while, Maggie had a small rest, but soon woke up again. She kept her hand on my thigh, just like I had done with her on the way here. There weren't too many walkers in the streets, there weren't too many cars neither. I guess everyone really had left for Atlanta when everything went to shit..

"This friend.." Maggie finally spoke up.
I turned to her, listening carefully.
"Are they...alive?"
I frowned.
Maggie went silent, then stroked my thigh softly.
I shook my head and sighed.
"It's Zoe's place. The friend I mentioned before.."
She chuckled softly.
"The idiot who drank bleach for a bet?"
I chuckled sadly.
"Yeah...that's the one."
"Want to talk about her?"
I smiled and shook my head.
"I don't..I don't want to think about it.."
I felt her rub my thigh with her thumb.
"You should. You should treasure the memories of her."
I gripped the steering wheel tightly and nodded.
"I know. It's just...painful. She was like family. No, she was family."
"Did you have a funeral for her? Mourn her?"
I shook my head.
"No..I didn't..I didn't have the time." I croaked.

"How about this then, whilst we're here, we can take something from her place and bring it back with us. We can make her a grave at the prison. I'm sure she has some photos there too. You can take one, to remember her."

A single tear slid down my cheek. I felt Maggie wipe it away, then caress my cheek gently, trying to soothe me. I leaned into her touch and took one hand off the wheel, taking her hand from my cheek and kissing it.
"Thank you, Mags."
She smiled sweetly and took her hand away, then rubbed my back.

Not long later we arrived at Zoe's apartment. As we pulled up, a few walkers that were roaming outside came scrambling over to us, attracted by the sound of the cars. Since it was only a few, it didn't take long to get rid of them and make our way to the apartment entrance.

We stood before the towering building, our weapons out and ready. Our bags were slung on our backs, filled with our supplies, since we sure as hell weren't gonna just leave them out in the open.

Daryl whistled looking up at the building.
"Spoilt brat?" He asked.
I laughed and led the way into the building, patting Daryl's shoulder as I went.
"True city kids, huh?" Maggie teased as she followed behind.
Daryl chuckled.
"Tha's a yes then."
"Wow. You're an even bigger city kid than me." Commented Glenn.
"Just keep quiet and follow me." I huffed.

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