Chapter 72: Preparation for Celebration

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A month passed by in a flash and everyone settled into the prison just fine without any incidents...Well, there were some incidents, but they were all caused by Zoe and her...poor decision making.

Rick and the others ended up apologising profusely to me about our disagreement over Woodbury and allowed me back into the council, which was now a little bigger due to the growth of the prison. However, I wasn't just allowed back into the council, I was essentially made Rick's right hand, along with Daryl. After the whole Woodbury incident, he trusted my judgment and to both make up for it and show that he trusted me, he personally appointed me his right hand.

Now the prison was more of a community, the council had to grow a little with it. So, it became an inner circles of Rick's, filled with those of us he trusted to help run the prison fairly. In the end, the council mainly consisted of our original group;
Rick, Daryl, Hershel, Maggie, Glenn, Michonne and myself. The only newer member was Zoe. Despite her being a dumbass most the time, she was streetsmart when it came to fights. So she was added to the council as a kind of, head of defence.

A month turned to two and two turned to three and slowly, everything began to settle in place. Before we knew it, another year passed by peacefully and the prison was turning into a true home. A true safe haven.

Maggie and I spent most of our time with the pups and Winter when we weren't busy with council business. Since there were more kids now, she also came out of her shell a bit and spent some time with others. Though, she mainly spent time with Beth and Sofia and maybe Carl if she felt like it, but, I wasn't complaining. I was just happy she was making friends.

Since another year had passed, I tried to find out when Winter's birthday was, but...she didn't even know what a birthday was...
Obviously once Maggie and I heard that, we wanted to strangle whoever her previous parents were, but then we decided it didn't matter, since we were her parents now. So we decided to give her a birthday.

Since I found her back in winter, hence her name, I decided the day I found her should be her birthday. Maggie agreed with the idea, though...she gave me a good ass whooping when she found out I named her Winter just cause that's when I found her...
But I'm bad at names! Besides, it's a pretty name!...Right? I thought it was.

Maggie and I began to plan for her birthday and we told everyone in our original group about it, plus Zoe, since she officially, unofficially, pronounced herself Winter's aunt and godmother. They were excited...maybe a little too much, especially Zoe and Daryl, about it. But hey, at least they were on board and wanted to help. Though, I did ban Zoe from helping....
Knowing her, she'd go find a cannon and fill it with confetti and shoot walkers out of it, exploding their guts like fireworks...and I didn't exactly feel like traumatising a bunch of kids...

Maggie and I were currently on a run. Since we needed decorations and a present for Winter's birthday, we opted to go on a run and get whatever supplies the prison needed whilst we were at it.

We had already found everything the prison needed on our list, so we made our way down to a small town Maggie knew of.

She huffed and rolled her eyes at me as she drove.
"I still can't believe you named our daughter after the month you found her in."
"I'm shit with names okay!? You know that from Coco and Cream! Besides, people used to name their babies after the months they were born in all the time! It's not that bad!"
She huffed again, but had a small smile on her face, so I leaned over to her side and nudged her.
"Come on, you can't say her name isn't cute.."
Her smile grew a little more as she nudged me out the way.
"It's dumb, is what it is."
I huffed and crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair.
"Daryl doesn't think so! He thinks it's cute!"
"Daryl named Judith little ass kicker, he's just as shit at names as you."
"Pooh-bear is cute..."
She softly chuckled.
"Fine, pooh-bear is a cute nickname, but still-"
"No buts! You've agreed! You can't say anything about it now!"

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