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The air was fresh with the after-smell of war.

The fields ran red with blood, while the constantly changing sights were a strange new horror to the excited soldiers, who fought fiercely to hold down their position.

The enemy - those that called themselves the Survivors - had been pushed back for now but would soon return to finish what they had started.

The army had lost most of their soldiers, and extreme action had to be taken before they lost all their progress that they had built this year. Most of their focus was now on moving all the information they had to their new compound.

His team was almost complete, but it wasn't enough. He needed Her...

"Sir, some good news from the Front. The rebels are retreating."


"Our numbers have decreased severely."

"How many Sergeant?"

"Nearly three quarters dead; General.
There are also rumours, Sir."


"Yes, SIR.
They say that this attack had been planned to only test our defenses. Also, to try to eliminate our forces as much as they could."

"Is that so? Well then..."

"My team has gathered that they have more reinforcements coming in from other regions. They plan to attack again... Especially now that they think that they know where our defenses are weakest."

"That's good."

"They believe they can win, sir." informed the Sergeant arrogantly, rolling his eyes at the General.

"Do they now?
Good. It's a shame to lose so many possible valuable workers, but the research must go on; as the doctors say.
Speaking of, how far are the scientists with the research?" inquired the General confidently, staring at the image that lied before him - what he created.

"They claim they have successfully completed and perfected the new serum. It is ready to be tested, but they no longer have any... test-subjects. They asked if we could spare a few more men or women." reiterated the Sergeant cautiously.

He knew that the General had a temper beyond that of a normal man, and he didn't want to push it in any way; even with his... status.


The Sergeant blinked, trying to figure out why the General would not want to continue...

"Sir? Are we not going to continue with the... research?" he asked, confused.

"We are, but with fresher candidates who are more suitable for the tests.
Inform our dear Dr Roushkav that I will have fresh and young candidates for him soon."

"Yes, sir, but I still don't understand. Where do you plan on getting these fresh candidates?"

"Leave that to me, Sergeant."

'Finally. I'll get to see her soon. Oh how she must have matured since that first glance.'

"You are dismissed, Sergeant. I will brief you soon after the new year, when the real work begins."

"Yes, sir."


The Sergeant saluted the General with his usual nod before he left to relay the message to the scientists who waited eagerly behind barred doors. They were anxious to get out of the war zone they were forced to stay in and were in a state of panic and fear from all the shattering gunshots, windows and collapsing debris.

Leaving the General alone with his thoughts, the Sergeant left unsure of whether the man he spoke to was the General he knew, the man he grew up with or was someone - rather something - else.

But then again, the man he knew before died a long time ago. Died when she did. The question was, was it an accident?

He shook it off and focused on more pressing matters at hand. But the day would come where he would confront the General.


The General locked his hands behind his back and slowly made his way to the aircraft that waited for him. Deep in thought with plans of what would happen in the years to come. He smiled, ignoring the soldiers he would be leaving behind on a field that would soon be destroyed of all evidence.

"It's time I collected a debt from you, old friend. "

'I found her, I finally found her!
She's MINE.'

The General smiled, already having built his master plan.

It was time for the new generation to get a taste of what real war is, the true war.

A war he had to start and finish.

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