Chapter 19

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The winds were rough, and the rain was gushing which made the room feel cold – isolated – and it pushed Steph into horrid day-dreams more than she was used to.

Stephanie stretched her lazy limbs and sat up, shaking that zoned feeling out before she got trapped within it. She forced herself to stand through the pain and made her way to the shower, thinking the cold water would keep her energised and awake through the day.

The shower was smaller than the one in her old room, but it worked just as well – better in fact due to the pressure from the water-head. She allowed the cold water to entomb her in distant pleasurable thoughts; thoughts that kept her going...

Flashbacks of the match popped into her head and the bruises seemed to throb at the mere remembrance of the fight. She opened her eyes; she felt different and it was a good difference – a stronger difference.

She had made it.


She walked out of the room and was stopped by a guard that looked as if he was waiting outside for a long while.

"General says I am to escort you to the doctor." he reported quickly.

"Lead the way then." she confirmed too tired to protest.

She followed him into a room so bright it could be the earths second sun, blinding all those that were drawn near to it like moths to a flame.

The Lab seemed to glow with pride; the white of the room was emphasized by the silver of the surrounding equipment.

The doctor stood with his back to her, marking things off on the clip-board; something she felt that he always seemed to have. She remembered him, he worked on her at the old base before her fight with Kyle.

She cleared her throat which made him turn to face her frightfully. He looked shocked at her appearance and dismissed the guard with a hesitant nod.

"M- M- Mi... MISS Swa...Swa...Swa... Swan?"


"Sorry I wasn't expecting you to be a woma-... I probably read your file wrong." he stammered.

Cleary he didn't remember her. Should he be reminded? Na, he looked nervous enough as it is.

"Don't you usually get female soldiers in here?"

"N- No, not at all. We have had many females before, though very few and completely different natured compared to what is stated in your file, it was also a while back but now not so much and not usually for... uh... check-ups."

"Oh... okay."

"Please! Don't let that discourage you. It is a welcome change to have someone like you here. There aren't many that talk openly or who are as curious as you are...

Please take a seat on the depressingly cold metal table and then we can get started, but before I forget please put this on."

She laughed at how he described the table – the exact way she would have done it – as he handed her a transparent bag with thick white paper concealed inside. He was getting more comfortable speaking to her which was normally a good sign. She unfolded it and watched it open-up into something patients would wear when going into surgery; a paper dress.

'How fancy!'

She looked at the... dress reluctant to put it on, then decided to go with it without any complaint and looked at the doctor who waited for her expectantly. He seemed happier than when she first came in and she felt oddly better around him too.

"Oh, right! You can change in there and leave your clothes on that tray over there when you are done."

She looked at the curtain that he was pointing at and blinked disbelievingly. Despite her disapproval she walked off and concealed herself behind the curtain. Still reluctant to put on the paper-dress she undressed slowly. She walked out chilled to the bone and set her things down on the tray that waited for her clothes. She moved passed the doctor who seemed to be very excited to do the check-up.

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