Chapter 4

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"Good morning students!
It is such a pleasure to meet all of you in person. My dear friend has told me so much about all your achievements. About how proud he is of his school and his students. He has also mentioned how talented you all are." he started beamingly.


"Sure, he did...
He'll say anything to get a good reputation out." commented Dwayne quietly next to her.

They all giggled silently to themselves only to be shushed by the barbie-girls around them.


"As you all were told, my name is General Reed. I am incharge of the... Army, Navy and Air force sectors of our country. I handle all special ops and consult our president when she needs it or when we have bigger problems that need to be dealt with.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you about our... missions or projects as much as I would like to and as much as I know you would like to hear it..." he continued eagerly trying his best not to stare directly at her; she was so beautiful...

The school moaned and some cursed under their breath, but he continued speaking despite their interruptions;

"Dr Harper and I have discussed and decided that as a... treat, I will take a few students to train and study under my programme. Perhaps one of you will be chosen to study full time with us; after you have trained a bit of course. Don't worry though, you won't be missing out on any schoolwork as after you have made it through training you will continue your studies at our base with a few extra courses added. You will continue to train with us and do testing like most of the soldiers do but it won't be any 'real' testing, it will be more like health tests for you though we do want you to get a real feel for it.
And yes, you WILL be paid for the time that you spend with us. You will also get to see our troops in action. The time you spend there will go towards your... ECA scores and college credits, and will be added on to your permanent résumé.
So, I have a list here where you can put your name and emails down; you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Now unfortunately there is a catch...
You have to be 18 years and older to apply. Sorry, but with our laws I cannot take people under the legal age.
I have to get back to my base, but I will see you soon hopefully and thank you for giving me your full attention." he ended quickly which he saw was a relief for most of the students as they were ready to leave for break.

Others, he noted, were interested in signing up; mainly for the money rather than for the experience. He walked over to Dr Harper and shook his hand as a show of good faith from his side before walking out of the hall and out of sight.


As he walked, Steph thought that she saw him glance right at her but then shook her head at such silliness. In the background the sound of a helicopter taking off could be heard and the excitement of the whole assembly increased drastically, as if they had just seen someone famous. Either that or the fact that the school had a helicopter landing pad and they didn't know it.

No wonder the grade 12's from last year couldn't stop talking about the matrics dramatic dance entrances...

Break was interesting as people fought to get in line to get a chance to put their names down. Some gave up half way because the line was too long while others left after reading the terms and conditions which the General conveniently left out in his speech.

Stephanie's group stayed put and waited for their turn; they laughed as most of the people who had big mouths about the whole thing were the first to leave.

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