Chapter 12

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The level of training had been intense!

So intense that most of them – actually, all of them – struggled to walk and get back to their beds. Each one had to sit on the floor or – if they were lucky enough to get to their beds – lay on their beds to recover from the days heat and pain-filled training. One by one – after their five-minute recovery period – they sent their emails. Some were long, and others were short but all were being sent.

Kyle sent two emails: one very short email to Lus friends and one very long one to his own; after which he turned and limped to his bed bumping hers as he passed. Steph would have said something when he didnt apologize but at that moment she was too care.

It was her turn for her email to be sent; she sluggishly approached the laptop and sat staring at the blank screen; unsure of what to say or where to begin, so instead she began normally; filling them in on the passed days events;

'Hey guys.

Im sorry for not emailing or sending any messages sooner but we are not allowed our phones and have now lost the privilege to send an email a night even though only one person could email per night.

I know; its complicated and it sucks ass!

Anyways, Im doing fine and Im actually getting the hang of it.

This we spent all of our time and energy on the exercises they laid out for us which was running, jogging, lunges - basically a whole lot of leg exercises. But they were brutal hey! Seriously though, how the hell do some of our peoples do this for fun?!

This afternoon was arms and chest and that was way more brutal than anyone expected! Especially me!

We had the levels increased because Irina and Dylann were caught having sex last night and because Lu couldnt keep her mouth shut this morning. So basically, Im screwed if these people dont learn to behave.

Yay for me!

So, we also wont be allowed to email for a while.


I hope you are all having a better time than I am. Im struggling with some of the exercises.

Oh! I must tell you!

The Captain is VERY creepy! Like, he watched me take a swim – I didnt even know he was there – and then commented on my underwear. (We are not allowed any costumes other than our regulated uniform that I attached a picture of. We wear that 24/7.)

He also said that I should be careful because a lot of the soldiers had not had any prey for a while and would not hesitate to take what they needed; like, what the actual fuck! He actually used the word prey. Its insane, right?

He also told me that I look good in black and that I shouldnt change it and that he wouldnt give me the chance to change it even if I wanted to!!!

I dont know if he was flirting or messing with my head or jus being a perv.

And KYLE! Oh My Fuck! He insists on standing next to me 24/7 and he, like, gives me these odd stares. I am legit scared right now and if it carries on I will beat a bitch back in their place. They all think I am shy and quiet anyways but they actually don't know. And yesterday I told them all kak. The looks on their faces were the best! Wish you couldve seen it. But for reals.

Kyle needs to back off now because I cant even.

Anyhoo, I miss you all very much; I need your advice these days and I cant wait till I get to hear your voices again.

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