Chapter 29

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Thunder roared with such brilliance that in its true form, anyone could marvel at its beauty, its mysterious power – its immeasurable freedom and force. 

Raphael looked at the storm passing overhead and thought of the light held within the faces of the kids visiting. So magnetic and vibrant in its form that it was almost impossible; magical even. Something seemed impossible for her. Though with everything that has happened, Raphael knew nothing was impossible these days.


As the lighting struck, the light emanating from it brought pictures into her mind of laughing, cheering, love among other things; it tickled the edges of her mind. And it gave her a headache.

She saw the warm embraces of friends she never had and remembered the comforting words that were never spoken. They stood in a circle next to stairs that she felt were theirs - their territory.
She couldn’t hear the conversation or see their faces but sensed that she was a big part of it.
She felt at home next to her best friends that she didn’t remember making.

Who were they and what did it mean?

She blinked, and they were gone.
She was back in the training arena under weights that seemed as light as a feather. She needed something more challenging rather than something as simple as this.

Was it a memory of someone she never was – something she had, pulled at her heart with such a strong force that she had to wait a minute or two just to calm down her racing heart. She took a deep breath and carried on lifting her weights, trying her best to push the strange feeling she had been having away. It nagged at her in a way she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Raphael!” barked General angrily while he stood in his usual pose – arms folded over his chest with a face as red as blood but with a look of want that always seemed to make her feel very uncomfortable.

He only gave that look to her. 

Raphael looked up at him, rolling her eyes and sat up to attention. She focused as best as she could though her mind drifted off to other places.

“The report you gave me was quite interesting... Exactly what my soldiers reported. Did they spot you or see you in any way?” he asked suspiciously.

“No sir. We stayed on the beams and observed from a distance.” answered Oblivion for her; he looked just as irritated.

She nodded her thanks and stood up, making her way to the table where everyone circled. What about these visitors made the General so unhappy?
She stretched out her arms which made her training shirt tighten around her toned body and lift up revealing her V-line and pressing her breasts together which emphasized her cleavage.
The General didn't hide his stares and she watched as his eyes changed form controlled irritation to complete lust.

“Good... they haven’t found anything that suggests any of you are here.
There are more pressing issues to be taken care of right now. 
We have a new problem. One of our... test subjects has escaped and we need to get it back.” he informed tensely.

“Which type of subject?" started Oblivion.

"Failed or passed?" added Bash.

"Was it human or animal?” finished Ripper taking his place on Raphael’s left.

“We don’t know. We did not complete documenting the experiment.
The serum was never as it should have been” mumbled Dr Roushkav ashamed and embarrassed.

He remembered how he was forced to administer the serum to the animals he was given; it went all wrong since then. He remembered looking at the changed creatures and thinking that they looked as if they were hitching a plan...

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