Chapter 32

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Taylor sat with his head in his left hand while he doodled pictures around his art test question paper. Who knew they would be getting tests while they were here. He had finished fifteen minutes earlier and decided to keep himself amused with his little pictures. 

He looked over to Ntsakela who sat with her arms crossed over her chest; not very impressed with her teacher at the moment, and the surprise test didn’t help matters either. He could tell what she was thinking of and he didn’t blame her for looking so irritated. 

The events of the day before had been a shock for them all; especially when more than half of their grade was sent home for some random reason while the rest of them had to stay. He still didn’t understand what had really happened; all he knew was that they all needed to get out of here – fast. 


Ntsakela could feel someone staring at her and of course it could only be Taylor. They had been friends for years, so he knew how she was feeling, when she was feeling it by just looking at her. Not that her facial expressions hid anything either. 

She looked around at all the empty chairs where the rest of her classmates used to sit. They were lucky enough to be sent home and get back to some sort of normalcy.

None of this made any sense though. Why had they had the chance to go home and others haven't.

But then again, those who had left, had no idea what was really going on here and were probably fed lies while they were here. 

Did she know what was really going on here; did any of them?

She remembered looking at Steph not knowing if that was her friend or someone impersonating her. Her words were also as clear as ever, yet it still confused her a bit more than she liked...

‘They sat around staring at Steph who had dropped in out of nowhere and took a seat in front of them as if she hadn’t been MIA for months. They sat still, waiting for her to say something or give them a reason why she was there or why they hadn’t heard from her...

“So, I heard you all got into a little trouble in one of the hallways with another group...” she started trying to get them more relaxed.

“Yeah, they were an irritation on another level and we weren’t interested in dealing with their shit that day. We had... other plans.” answered Dwayne who stared at his best friend not knowing what had happened to her; looking from the bandage to her zoned-out expression, hoping that she was still in there somewhere.

He would kill whoever hurt her.

“What happened? Did they do anything to you?” ventured Raphael cautiously.

“You telling me you don’t remember how irritating some of these idiots are?! 
We ran into Clara and her group while we were... looking for you. They asked us where we were going, so like always we ignored them, and moved on. They started following us and whispering shit about us that we could clearly hear. They were clearly trying to get a rise out of one of us. They were bad mouthing all of us and it wasn’t on.” started Shaylin still annoyed with them.

“Then Clara started flirting with Tyrell. And Shang. And Liam. And Carter ... that’s when shit hit the ceiling. She flirts with any guy that came her way.” added Dwayne who looked at them with a wicked smile.

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