Chapter 1

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"Mommy... where's my school shoes! I can't find them, and I don't want to get a detention on the first day of being a senior!
That's just going to be embarrassing."

"Look under your bed, in that jungle you call a room!"

"Oh. Never mind, I found them, and I prefer to think of it more of a more free-flowing living experience!...
Now I just need to figure out where to get all my school info from, and then everything will sort itself out... I hope."


"Yeah, Mah!"

"Don't forget to pack your suitcase properly. I'm not dropping anything off for you if you forget it here!"

"Yes, mom! I got it!"

Stephanie rolled her big brown eyes and looked around. She'd miss her room and realized that she was in the year where she got to share a room at school. Now she was more anxious and painfully hoped - prayed - that it would be her friends and not any of the other people in her grade. A chill ran over her skin at the thought of it. The thought of sharing a room with the barbies or jockies.


She let her mind daydream of her friends that she was very excited to see. Stephanie wondered what they had been up to the past holiday; no doubt had some interesting stories to tell.

She hadn't been able to keep in contact with them as much as she wanted to. She had, unfortunately, accidentally broken her phone while taking an amazing swim in an amazingly deep pool.
Her mom had refused to buy her a new one because of her negligence, so she had to suffer in silence and send emails, videocall or send messages via her laptop when she had enough money to buy herself data - which was almost never.

She didn't live a rich life nor could she get a job, but she and her mom managed to get by on their own.


Stephanie enjoyed listening to the rain as it pounded new dents into the already dented roof of a car that was always parked outside their small apartment. They hadn't had the opportunity to go out as much as they wanted to because of stressed finances, which always made Stephanie wonder about how it affected her studies. Her mom always found a way to reassure her, which helped her focus on other things.

Steph adored her mother because even when they didn't have much, her mother always did her best for her. She didn't know what she would do without her mother. They were very close and had the best relationship a mother and daughter could have.

Despite her current status, her heart swelled with happiness as she finally got to see all her friends again. She was even excited to see the irritating guys that enjoyed prancing around the school like the jocks they were - proud and arrogant. Even the Barbies that thought they were the best of the best when it came to... looks. They all provided humour and entertainment one way or the other.

Her eyes grew heavy with sleep and she let them close only opening them forcefully to switch off the lights before she actually let sleep entomb her in dreams as sweet and terrifying as the cursed hidden treasure she usually read about in her countless books...


Stephanie stood in line wearing her usual black, ripped skinny jeans, and a gray tank top, accompanied by her favourite black sneakers and black leather jacket. She smiled as she knew that it was pretty obvious that her favourite colour was black.
Her long, thick, loose, curly hair blew into her face while she waited to get her schedule from the admin lady who - as usual - wore her brown, sleek business pants accompanied by a white transparent blouse with a beige under-top.

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