Chapter 20

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Ntsakela sat up staring at the door. Her heart felt as if it were a prisoner about to meet its captor. She got up angrily and threw on her gown. Slamming the door open to see who was so stupid to wake up the people of this room in a way that could get them killed. She peaked through and saw nothing there. She opened it wider and looked around. Nothing but a small box waited patiently on the floor for them to retrieve it. She stared at it not wanting to pick it up. She ran back in to call the others waking them up one by one.

They all stared at the box, not sure of what could be inside. Shaylin, Serina, Victoria and Jeydon had joined them an hour later even though not all of them were called. The rest joined them shortly after.

"It's not a bomb otherwise we would all be dead right now." said Dwayne who was the last to arrive looking bored, angry and tired.

"And I don't hear any ticking." added Taylor quickly.

"You shouldn't be trying to hear anything!" commented Xelia anxiously.

"Fine, open it Shaylin!" commanded Serina.

"Why me!?" he faltered overwhelmed.

"Because I'm telling you to." yelled Serina threateningly.

"I'll open it, but not because you told me to." decided Tyrell.

Everyones eyes shot up and looked at them confused while Serina glared at him as he moved closer to Tannah.

What the hell was going on with them?

He opened it, then jumped away as quickly as he could just in case something was going to pop out. When nothing happened, he walked back confidently and looked inside.

"It's just clothes and other stuff." he stated confused on what was going on.

"It's Stephs stuff!" examined Xelia perplexed.

"Why would she send it to us?" asked Tannah disillusioned.

"Maybe SHE didn't." informed Serina sceptically still glaring at Shaylin from a distance.

"We can ask her." suggested Shaylin.

"How?" asked Ntsakela.

"Email her." he replied.

"They probably won't show her the email even if we did. They'd probably delete it as soon as they got it. We need to see her, face to face, I mean we could ask her what the hell was going on." suggested Taylor overwhelmed.

"Why don't we?" asked Dwayne who smiled evilly.

They all turned and stared at him confused.

"Lets ask Dr Harper to take us to her. Make him think it is in both his and the General's best interest to show a few of us how it works for advertisement for both the school and the military. So... if the General refuses, we'll know something is wrong and maybe sir can do something about it. After all we are his responsibility when our parents drop us off – you know the whole TRUST thing." he explained slowly with a wide smile.

"That's actually a good idea." said Ntsakela surprised.

"I know. I'm filled with them." remarked Dwayne.

"When do we see him?" asked Tannah enthusiastically.

"We have to make an appointment first, and then he will see us when he has time." informed Dwayne who was too concentrated on all their expressions to realise what he was saying.

"I'll make the appointment today." added Taylor who had just finished going through Steph's things checking if she left a note for them.

"Then it is settled. Sir WILL see us tomorrow whether he likes it or not. What will we say?" Xelia asked anxiously.

"Leave that to me." exaggerated Dwayne who looked at Taylor as they separated to go get everything ready.

"Whow, guys slow down. We don't even know if Steph is in trouble." corrected Victoria quickly.

"Yeah. For all we know, they could be sending her home soon and she just sent her stuff back in advance or something." added Jeydon calmly.

"Or, maybe she decided to stay there, full time." stated Victoria not interested in anything that has really happened.

"Are you serious?!" asked Dwayne irritably.

"Yeah, Steph would do that and leave her mom just like that". informed Xelia sarcastically.

"We all know Steph well enough to know she wouldn't do anything like that to her mom or without telling us! So, all of you, SHUT IT!"

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