Chapter 35

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Shang sat with his head in the clouds watching his phone vibrate with messages from the group chat; they were finally going home today, and they couldn’t wait. He stretched out his arms and looked to the sky where the clouds morphed in every way possible. He had just finished some training of his own and had decided to relax for a bit, so that his body could recover. 

He saw something pass over him and straightened up trying to get a better view; it was probably just a bird, maybe even a plane. 
He shook his head and went back to the messages; how could they type so fast and send so many messages? 
One message caught his attention bringing him out of his daze.

“Be ready and pack only what you need, we leave tonight during the ‘show’.”

He stared at the phone then looked back up to find Raphael standing over him. He jumped up surprised and let out a little scream before straightening up; he tried to look cool, but it clearly wasn’t working and just widened Raphael’s smile. He'll never get used to calling her that. To him, she was always just Steph. 

He brushed off his pants and looked at Raphael laughing under her breath.

“I knew you were there. I just didn’t want to disappoint your dramatic entrance.” he said quickly trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

“Sure, that’s why you looked like you were about to punch someone and pee yourself at the same time.” she mocked walking to sit beside him.

“Fuck off Steph!” he laughed and sat back down with her next to him; he still couldn’t get over the fact that she had wings now.

“It’s Raphael now. Steph... Steph was a different person; a girl I used to be. Don’t get me wrong, she is still in here but different – stronger in a way.” she looked down to play with the grass in her hand twisting and turning it around her finger.

“I like it. Why did you choose Raphael though?”

“Because it was my second name; and at that moment it was the only real thing I knew about me after the serum wiped my memories. But I guess, I subconsciously chose it as it was both a part of me and because it was a possibility of being someone different – someone I wanted to be... 
Now it reminds me of who I am as well as who I have become. Plus, I really like the name more than my actual name.”

“Ah, I see. I like it, it... suits you. 
So, tonight is the night where we get the fuck out of here; right?”

“Yes, I need you guys to be ready and to move as quickly as you can. Don’t stop for anything; be as careful as possible too. Some of my teammates will lead you out, so stick close and move fast. If anything happens and you really need my help, call me.”


 Raphael just smiled and looked to the sky.


The General laid comfortably between ruffled sheets. He stared at old pictures he found lying around at the bottom of his closet and was now deep in thought. They were pictures of the useless man he used to be – the father... and husband that he used to be. 

He was impressed and a little disappointed at how his... boys – had grown and how the men they became were nothing like him now at all. They did have great taste when it came to woman though. Too bad She already belonged to him. He wanted lethal killers but instead he got righteous fools – well righteous in a sense.

He knew they had an infatuation with her and wanted to protect her – maybe even wanted her, but they were keeping her from him and that was a problem. She belonged to him and him alone, and soon he would make that known. He would take her with him to his new base, by force if he had to and no one would tell him otherwise. 

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