Chapter 36

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Dwayne sat with his backpack ready and his heart racing as the excitement flowed through his veins. The only question was if their friend would be joining them on the way home. He heard a crash from the other end of the room and walked into a full-blown fight between Ntsakela and the only bitch that was unfortunately still attaching herself to the group. Victoria had Jeydon at her side causing trouble as usual. 

'Why the fuck are you still here bitch?'

This was going to get very interesting.


“Who the fuck, do you think you are!” yelled Ntsakela furiously.

“The only one that seems to be thinking straight for us!” answered Victoria lamely.

“No! You don’t get to SAY, THINK or DO anything for THIS group. As far as we know, you are not a part of this fucking group you fucking little bitch!”

Victoria walked away like she always did when it came to conflicts regarding her or directed at her. 
Ntsakela was about to follow her but was pulled back by Tannah who immediately started calming her down. 
He walked over to them and stood silently while the rest of the group – clearly very angry with Victoria- kept quiet.

“What the fuck happened now?” asked Dwayne interestedly - not.

“Apparently, Victoria and Jeydon feel that we shouldn’t be going along with Steph’s – I mean Raphael’s plan. So, she took it upon herself to go and speak to the General about leaving and going home.
She said, APPARENTLY, that he reassured her that we would be taken home tomorrow if we followed all his instructions. But from the look of it, she is lying through her ass and probably just got all of us into deeper shit along with Ste- Raphael and her team.” explained Taylor struggling to keep calm.

“WHAT!!! No, like what the actual fuck?!” reverberated Dwayne resentfully turning to face Victoria who had Jeydon rubbing her back soothingly while she laid her head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, so Ntsakela confronted her and she again lied through her ass – you know how she gets – and that’s when things... escalated. Now, we don’t know what really happened and I think everyone is a bit on edge because of it all.” continued Taylor repugnantly as he strode away tranquilly and troubled.

Dwayne turned back to Ntsakela who looked as if she felt a bit reinstated yet still clearly slighted.

“What should we do now?” she asked dejectedly.

“I honestly don’t know. We need to let Raphael know without that bitch finding out.”


Raphael woke up to the worst migraine she had ever felt, which danced its way down her back. Evidently, they could actually do some real damage to each other if they really wanted to. 
She shook her head then winced at the pain that retraced its way up her spine to her head. She looked up to Ash’s distressed face and could tell something was going on.

“How long was I out?” she asked slowly.

“Not too long, a couple of hours actually.” she explained dishearteningly.

“Then what’s wrong now?” asked Raphael forcing herself into an upright position.

“We were worried that you wouldn’t wake up...” Ash stated as tenderly as she could, she was always seen as the mother of the group – that is when she wasn’t in 'Battle-mode' as Dash put it.

“That’s not the whole story, is it?”

“We suspect we have a rat amongst us.” boomed a voice from the doorway.

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