Chapter 33

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Bash stood next to Raphael, patiently waiting for her to open her eyes; usually things like this didn’t take this long. 

So why was this so different?

‘I shouldn’t have told you to drink that shit! Come on Raphael wake up! It’s nearly time!’

He sat down in a chair next to her bed and felt her forehead trying his best to be as gentle as he could. 
It was hot – too hot – and he walked outside just as Ash brought a nurse they could trust; an old friend of the Doctor. 
She walked in and did the normal procedures while Ash and Bash went outside, leaving her to do her work without any disruptions. The nurse walked back out to find the whole team waiting to hear what was going on. She swallowed nervously and looked around for whoever was in charge. 
Bash walked forward and stood like a mountain over her; she was tiny compared to him.

“How is she?”

“Well, she doesn’t seem to be sick or anything. It’s as if her mind has put her to sleep. All her vitals are strong and steady.” muttered the little nurse.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that there is nothing wrong with her.” answered the nurse quickly before scampering away back to do her duties.

Bash turned and looked into Ash’s eyes. He felt her mind touch his and it calmed him.
Raphael was like a daughter to him and to lose another child even if it wasn’t really his, would kill what was left of his spirit.

“What’s going on?” boomed a voice from behind him.


Ripper turned slowly, his agitation hitting the stratosphere as he looked at the General with hatred. 

He stood with his hands crossed over his chest and a wide smile in his face - as if he had conquered the world. 

Ripper stared at the General with the strong urge to kill him; never-mind who he was or used to be to him.
He wanted to make a move but was pulled back and reminded to be patient.
Oblivion moved him out of the way to make way for the General; he looked as loyal as a dog but hid his anger well. 

A path was created for the General to walk through but no one wanted to answer him.


“Where is Raphael?” inquired the General.

He only wanted to see her. He was in the best moods and felt as if he could do anything – take on anyone. Perhaps even take her.


Her mind was drifting in and out of reality. She saw faces she knew and loved as well as faces that hurt her. Her heart raced, and her mind swam in a river of memories that were both old and new. She had to push through and passed all of it or else the pain would drown her, and she would never get back. 
Her memories were full of the old and new experiences that gave her the strength to go on with life. Her small circle had grown and all who entered it meant the world to her.

Air - she felt it pulling in and pushing out. She used it to reach out – to pull her out. Her body felt like it was glowing and moving; she did reach out or she thought she did. She got through the vail of dreams that was caught in between reality and the other side; was there another side or was it a creation within her mind?

She opened her eyes.


Bash blocked the view of Raphael’s door and wanted the General to leave. The only problem was the General wouldn’t go – he was waiting for someone to answer him.

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