Chapter 30

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Shang laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Just chilling while he waited for time to pass.
He checked his phone every few seconds; their plan to explore and find out what the General was hiding was put into action. They also wanted to see if there were any secrets they could unravel.
Under the blankets, he wore black jeans, black shirt and his black sneakers - they all needed to blend in as much as possible and he thought this would be best.
His leather jacket hung over the chair waiting for him though he was still deciding whether he wanted to wear it or not.
His phone buzzed displaying the time 23:45 mockingly; they could have been sleeping by now but instead they wanted to roam around unsupervised.
He threw the blankets off, grabbed his jacket and bolted out the door with Carter and Darrius by his side. Lucas and Liam stayed behind to cover for them in case someone came in to check on them.
But it was mainly because they wanted to continue playing on the PlayStation that came with the rooms.

They quickened their pace down the hallway and ducked into a random office, just as a soldier turned into the corridor; they looked around for anything that would help them find their way through the maze-like compound. They searched through drawers and files but found nothing.

“Anything?” asked Shang exasperated.

“No, nothing. You?” answered Darrius frustrated.

“Nothing.” he announced.

“Look what I found boys.” taunted Carter a little bit excited.

He pulled out a framed blueprint map of the whole compound and showed it to the others. It had names and labels of every room in the compound. They made a copy of it and made sure to put everything back the way they had found it. Just then the door suddenly opened, and they held their breath waiting to be caught.

Nothing happened and whoever opened the door pulled it shut and everything went quiet again.

While standing outside the office – being very careful not to be spotted by any guards patrolling the area – they looked at the map trying to discern where to go first from wherever they were at the moment. 

Carter held the map at different angles trying to read the very fine print that proved to be useless in their cause. They rather decided to point at a random spot and go there. As he pointed, his finger landed on a spot near something called K.A which was listed in the off-limits to civilians’ area.
As they read on, it perked their curiosity immensely. They agreed – letting their curiosity get the best of them again – and followed the map closely. It didn't work that well as they almost got lost twice.


Raphael watched the pups carefully as they slept in the corner of the room and thought of how much they reminded her of Oblivion and Ripper; both so lost and in need of a lot of love and caring for. Both pups also seemed to be Alpha males though one was calmer while the other was cheekier... in a sense. She smiled sadly unsure of the feeling that ached through her heart, when her eyes fell to the water bowl - that was now empty and in need of refilling.
She smiled as this was a chance to walk and clear her mind. She hid her wings as she got up and went out to retrieve more water for them making sure to lock the door behind her as she left – she didn’t want the pups to get loose again.
She walked slowly yet purposefully staring at the floor as she did. She didn't believe that these pups were meant for her but for the boys they reminded her of; she hoped they would take them.


Darrius walked fast making sure to keep up with Carter and Shang who were looking around for any secret weapons the General might be hiding or for some chemical nuclear bomb they were developing. To their disappointment, they found nothing. Disheartened, they were about to turn back but then they something up ahead.

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