Chapter 38

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Oblivion strolled side by side with his brother as their wolves - that had grown enormous for ordinary wolves – played ahead of them. It had been a month since the island blew up and everyone grew restless.

Dash had told them of the files he had read which indicated the whereabouts of the students’ headmaster and teacher who had learned more information than they needed to know. 

They had flown to go get them and had the privilege of informing them of what had happened the past weeks.

Dr Harper had told his story of how the General had drugged him and Mr Cheng and dragged their bodies out of their rooms during the night and trapped them in the prison they were found in.
They had tried many days to escape but failed losing most of their energy in the process.
On the day that they had decided to give up, they were rescued.

Grateful as they were to the Heathens for rescuing them, they still had to get back to their school and resume what was left of their lives and work.
The students protested but reluctantly agreed in the end and started getting their things ready.

“Thank you for all you have done for my students and I. If you do need anything, please do not hesitate to let me know.” offered Dr Harper generously.

“Thank you, but my team and I will be alright for now. We will make sure to try and visit you all as much as we can without raising any questions.” thanked Bash as politely as he could.

“Well... we do have a few teaching positions that are open and if you need; they are yours.”

“I think we might take you up on that offer at a later stage.” added Ash soothingly.

"Thank you, again.” ended Bash clearly.

“No. Thank you, again.”

They shook hands and Bash watched as the headmaster, teacher and students began to board the jet ready to take off. The door closed, and the twins flew them all to the safety of their school.
A day later the twins arrived back to the island with sadness in their eyes.

“What do we do now?” asked Blade innocently.

“We live.
We must go back to island and make sure nothing inhuman survived.
We can salvage what we can and start anew.”

“Can we make a memorial for her?” asked Dash still teary at the loss of someone so close to him.

Bash looked down with sadness in his heart and nodded solemnly.

“A memorial for who now?
Who died?!” came a voice from the beach.

They all turned wide eyed.

Raphael smiled and walked slowly towards her team.

“Miss me?”

Dash ran to her and embraced her in a warm hug while the others waited for her to reach them; still a little shocked. She looked at the brothers. She had missed them very much; so, she hugged them in turn and waited to be updated on what she had missed while she was gone.
She looked down at the sand that gathered up by her feet and imagined what would have happened if things had gone worse than it had.

Her team sat around her quietly; respecting her silence as she had lost more in one year than anyone else. She looked up to expectant eyes not sure what to say or do.

“We are glad to be alive and that you are alive as well. Things... could have gone better but they could have also been much worse.” started Bash carefully picking his words.

It was night-time and the glow of the fire warmed them, offering enough light for them to see each other. That accompanied by their phenomenal eyesight, made it easy for them compared to normal people.

“At least now we can finally move on and start anew.” continued Ash pulling her husband closer to her.

“I’m not too sure about that...” corrected Raphael slowly.

“What do you mean?” asked Angel quickly.

“The General and his goons survived and are heading to the main city of J-burg.
My home city... This isn’t over yet.” she informed them irritated with herself for not being able to kill him.

“It has only just begun then. Let’s gear up and head for the city before anything else happens.” instructed Bash as he stood readying himself for what came next.

“Where do we go?” asked Ghost drawing attention from everyone.

“We go to school. That is where he’ll start.”

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