Chapter 24

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Ntsakela sat nervously as they waited to hear the news of the trip progress from Dr Harper. Their bags were packed and laying patiently by the door while they waited to be called down to the buses. An email popped up from the headmaster and they ran to the screen to print it. They needed to use it as a bus ticket because that is the only way to prove to the bus drivers that the headmaster has given his permission for the trip.

But instead of a bus ticket, it was a summons that said Dr Harper wished to speak with them immediately.

What the hell is going on?

They looked worryingly at each other then sped off to the headmasters office. Just as they got there, they were stopped by the dragon lady.

After a brief explanation of why they were there; she showed them to his door then strutted back into the office where a long line of grade eights waited impatiently for her. Forgetting to knock they walked in ignoring the Dragon-Lady's glare; they could feel it on the side of their faces. They filled the office and crowded around Dr Harpers desk.


Dr Harper sat with his hands clasped on top of his desk with a very worried expression plastered across his face. He looked across at each of them and gave a sad smile. He seemed to struggle to get his words out;

"So, I've spoken to the secretaries at the base and they said that the only time we can come visit would be in two months. The General refused to permit our visit right now.

I'm so sorry."

"That's a bit suspicious, isn't it though sir?" insisted Ntsakela angrily.

"Yes, it is, but there is nothing that we can do right now. I will personally email him and organise everything for our trip. You will get to visit your friend and I will get an explanation for why all the secrecy of what is happening with my student."

"Thank-you sir." replied Xelia disappointed but respectful before anyone else could say anything.

They shuffled out of the office feeling hopeless and discouraged and went back to the dorm room in silence. They knew there were eyes and ears everywhere; except for their room of solitude. They walked into their dorm, locked the door and slumped down wherever there was an empty comfortable place. The few that waited behind could tell by the looks on their faces that there was bad news.

Soon the venting started in which they went through all the ways that their plan could have gone wrong. Now, all they can do is wait – wait a couple of weeks or more till they got to see their friend.

"I know this is not the reason why we planned this trip, but I was really hoping to get out of school for a little while." announced Carter into the silent room trying to lighten the mood.

That brought out a little smile and bettered the atmosphere that eventually calmed everyone down.

"I think we ALL NEED a drink." stated Dwayne.

They all nodded in agreement and started unpacking their bags as they waited for the drinks to be poured.

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