Chapter 7

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Stephanie sat on the couch while all her friends surrounded her. Other people she forgot were in her grade were there too. Her friends had thrown a surprise going away party despite her protests. They had made cake, pizza and bought a lot of drinks; both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. The party was not as bad as she would have expected it to be; considering that there were a lot of people there, even people she didn't know were friends of hers were having fun.

Everyone joked about how they would have to greet her with a solute; if she made it into the program; and she had to constantly remind them that she was not joining the army, just studying in their program. They dismissed her quickly with their sarcastic remarks and carried on with their main humorous ideas.

Time passed quickly, as if it were in a rush to get to other places.


Stephanie stood by the sink, washing and drying all the dishes that got passed to her, when a hand was placed lightly on her arm. She turned and was pulled in for a tight hug.

"Leo, I didn't think you would make it. Everyone told me you were not coming and to be completely honest I was a bit upset about it considering that I did a lot for you; not that you care."

"Hey! That hurt!"

He chuckled before taking a subtle step forward almost nudging her onto the sink.

"I was busy with some things, but I sorted them out quickly. I couldn't miss saying goodbye to you; I knew somewhere along the line you would come back to kill me either way."

"I'd kill you before I left never mind after." laughed Steph as she tried to take another step back but was cut off by the sink.

"Do you need me to pack the dishes back?"

"What? Oh nah, you don't have to."

"It's fine, I don't mind."


"My pleasure."

Stephanie handed him the plates with a shy smile and directed him to where the different sized plates needed to go. After he got used to it, she turned and carried on with the rest of the dishes. She only had the cups and glasses to do which would be quick to wash.

She sighed deeply.

'I hate washing cups and glasses!'


She pulled out her phone to read her message; hopefully it was someone she wanted to hear from. She doubted it, as he had other priorities where he was now.

Private Number:

'You look absolutely delicious in black skinny-jeans; it emphasizes the focus point of your ass, if you know what I mean. And that top needs to be ripped off right away! I'm sure that will happen soon enough though, LOL!


'What the actual fuck!?'

Stephanie typed back a quick fuck you - even though she knew that it wouldn't go through - before anyone saw; her friends would definitely not like the idea of her being antisocial, not today.

'Who is this?'


'Just call me another - BETER - admirer of yours. ;)

Love -S.'

'Ok... creepy as fuck but moving on.' she thought.


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