Chapter 13

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Tannah mimicked a cat as she stretched herself out of her sleepy daze. It was her turn to make breakfast and she was determined to make it the best one they had ever had; they needed it.

The computer flashed grabbing her attention quickly. She moved over to it, switched it on and waited. They had gotten an email from Steph and she was anxious to open it...

About damn time!

What was the password though?

"Guys wake up! We got an email from Steph! I really want to read it, but the damn computer is password protected! Whats the password again!?" she yelled excitedly.

"Shsh. Its too early for this Tannah." moaned Xelia as she slumped out of her room.

Everyone came out of theirs slowly; irritated and tired.

"I'm sorry but the email is from Steph and it looks important... I think..."

The irritation disappeared from their faces and was replaced with excitement and relief.

"So, open it!" insisted Xelia.

"I forgot the password." informed Tannah.

"How could you forget it when you created it and had all of us memorize it?" joked Ntsakela.

"I dont know." laughed Tannah.

"Move I'll unlock it quickly." stated Ntsakela.

She spent less than a minute typing then read the email aloud for everyone while Tannah moved into the kitchen to continue making breakfast. They sat attentively waiting for Ntsakela to finish reading the email and watched as she logged off quickly. She turned in her chair and stared at the others. The sad and gloomy faces said everything they needed to say. They went from giggles to blank expressions fast.

"Well that just sucks." announced a voice from the door.

"Sorry we heard the whole thing." answered Shaylin.

"Yeah, what the fuck does that mean?" asked Dwayne pushing through the lot of them.

"It means that our friend got into trouble thanks to the others. Look who she has to train with; they can cause a lot of trouble very quickly and it looks like they already had." answered Taylor.

"See I told you this would happen but has anyone listened to me, no. Now look! This is exactly how it started at the other schools." protested Serina angrily.

"Lets not overreact! Maybe it IS just a privilege drop and nothing bad is really happening." corrected Shaylin calmly while he played with Tannahs hoodie.

Serina glared at him from the distance.

Shaylin wasnt bothered by it and moved next to Tannah to help her with breakfast.

"Yeah... Plus there is nothing we can do if there was trouble. Its not like we can teleport or anything like that." added Tannah thoughtfully while she fried the eggs.

The bell rang an hour later after they had finished breakfast and gotten dressed. They got all their bags and floated to homeroom gloomily.

Trapped in their thoughts, they walked mindlessly through the hallways – first to their lockers then to the class – not noting where they walked and nearly walking into every pole or person that came their way.

Xelia stood staring at the picture that Steph had made for them and it hit her.

An idea for the art assignment that was due on Friday. She couldnt do it herself and would need some help from her friends – well she would find a way to involve them in some way.

She ran to homeroom, she was late and looked shyly at Mr Cheng.

"Sorry Mr Cheng!" she called quickly.

"Mmhhmm, what was it this time?"

"The grade-8s were crowding the hallway and refused to move."

"Maybe it is because you look like one of them." he joked and smiled as she took her seat.

She returned the smile before she beckoned for all her friends to crowd around and showed them the photo. They smiled but looked confused as they all had that same one; she didnt expect them to understand right away.

She sighed and looked around to see if anyone else was listening; when she was satisfied, she gestured at the photo.

"For our art projects, the one that Miss Satan gave us. Lets do an artwork on each other, on our friendship or on the incident that she was involved in with us!"

"What?" they all sang more confused than ever.

"Lets do the drawing or whatever on our friendship. We are important to each other and we took art because we love it, but she is making our lives difficult ever since that incident. So, lets do the same to her. It's what Steph would suggest. You know how she used to get." explained Xelia quickly.

"True." affirmed Katlego proudly.

"And it's art! she can't do shit about it really... We are expressing ourselves." finished Xelia.

"Let's do it!"

And they spent the rest of the time they had in homeroom planning this artwork. Mr Cheng heard them and smiled dropping a piece of paper with a list of where they could get everything they needed on the floor next to their table as he passed before returning to his table with a wicked smile across his face; they knew that he didnt like Miss Satan either. They giggled and carried on planning their art piece...

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