Chapter 8

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They landed bumpily on a landing-pad and were then instructed to grab their things and head for the black jet quickly or else they would be left behind. They stood frozen in place for a minute, confused; were they leaving the country?

A large black jet displayed itself prominently. The sun shone hard, trying to reflect the light of it's hands against the jet's black iron body. It's surface seemed to absorb the light completely which mesmerised the students. This made them unsure of whether or not to board it; now, they started to question whether or not putting their names down was actually a good idea.

They were brought out of their reverie by the shouting of the soldiers that stood in the doorway of the jet before them; urging them to sprint. They had clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed, and seemed very agitated. Steph and the others bolted forward. Steph lagged a little behind wile the others were shoving each other out of the way to be the first one to step into the jet; they weren't used to this kind of extravagance.

Stephanie waited for the girls to finish their little catfight before they both tripped over the step landing in the isle clutching for the first grand seat. Typical.

Then the boys - who she thought would push before her - waited for her to enter first before they stepped into the jet themselves; probably to check out her ass rather than be gentlemanly. This was the first time they had been this close to each other for such a long time period.

"Thank you." Steph said with a suspicious smile.

"No problem, Steph." answered Kyle though both him and Dylann had smirks on their faces.

'Please let this training go really fast.'

The jet ride was more relaxing than it originally appeared as it offered snacks, sweet and savoury treats and drinks. The best part was that it was free; her friend's would have enjoyed it all.


She pulled out her phone and tapped on the message icon.


Hey Steph, we miss you already. Send us lots of pics! And we hope you have a great flight.'

She typed back a message and attached the picture of the jet that she managed to sneak while everyone was busy.

'Hey Kela!

Guess what...

I'm travelling in a jet! A freaking black jet!

How cool is that!?

I miss you guys too hey.
It's so awkward with these people and I think Dylann is trying to flirt with Irina, but you know how she is.

They're all giving me the evil glare. Bruh, like, I've never been so scared in my life.


Kyle also keeps giving me very weird looks that are giving me chills down my spine. His been staring at me a lot more since school started...

Oh! Remind me to get my own private jet when we are all successful and somehow famous, you guys would love it!'

She sent the message and attached a whole lot of emoji faces in between. She couldn't wait to send them pictures of the place of where she will actually be training.




'Geez, three messages already! Ok.'

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