Chapter 11

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Stephanie woke up way earlier than she would have liked to and way earlier than the others. They wouldn't be up for another hour or two; perfect. She decided to head out for some fresh air; to enjoy the scenery. She stretched her still aching limbs and started walking to the tables that were put out in the middle of the campsite where the sun kept it warm but not too hot that it burnt at the touch.

There was a fruit-bowl in the middle of this wobbly table filled with ripe apples, welcoming bananas, cheerful pears and a lot of other delicious and inviting fruit.

She grabbed an apple that smiled in the sun light deciding to go for a stroll around the terrain to get a feel for the environment which might give her an edge in the training. Despite the reason for being there, she really enjoyed being out where nature thrived at its best.

True Freedom.

She had an hour, hour and a half at the most to spare and planned on using it to get ready for the day. The sun was not yet at its peak but could be seen over the horizon. There was a large water body straight ahead surrounded by few trees and many bushes. She smiled and looked around for any prying eyes. Seeing none, she stripped and took care to fold her clothes neatly while placing them softly on the log that lay lazily over the sand it protected below. She readied herself by rubbing the chills of her body away then stood in place where the water was deeper and dove straight in.

She had no swim-wear but her black underwear was the next best thing; hopefully no one woke up.

The water was still, clear and felt cool against her skin; it calmed her. The heat of the day had already started to threaten in its early hours despite the low rising sun and it was a welcome feeling to have the water wash it away; wash it all away.

Needing to calm the inner storm that threatened to overwhelm her at any time; she swam further down.

She dove deeper into the water and maneuvered herself through the water that seemed to part just for her, calming and peaceful. A world away from the one she was in. She emerged with a bright smile across her face as the water rushed down her body dragging all the negativity back to the depths of the lake. She floated on the top and did a few strokes around the lake watching the clouds float by and wandering what it would be like to be on top of them floating over the world with not a fear in sight other than falling. The sky turned from a deep violet to a baby blue and clouds had begun to multiply rapidly. She closed her eyes as a shadow passed over her. She opened her eyes and looked around; was it a bird or a plane or something?

She dove back down deeper into the water for the last time before she climbed out and dressed quickly; she tied her wet curls back into its ponytail hoping that it wouldnt become bushy once it dried.

Jogging back to the camp site she grabbed a towel and dried the rest of her body leaving her hair to drip dry.

She turned towards the tables and froze, she didnt expect anyone to be there yet. She watched him play with the apple, it danced in and out of his hands while he sat on the chair behind the table with his head ducked down. He seemed to be waiting, as if he knew where she had been and what she was thinking.

Had he been watching her?

His shirt sat tight against his body and his right leg was crossed over his left. He smiled then and it was an arrogant smile; something she had grown accustomed to.

"How was your swim?"

She stepped back a bit at the unexpected question and straightened herself up at the sight of the fierce Captains eyes; so captivating and possessive. With the others, he brought out fear. She had seen it yesterday; not from their words, but from their own eyes and body language. With her, she felt nothing but calmness and... annoyance.

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