Chapter 16

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Xelia spent the day relaxing on her bed scrolling through her Pinterest posts and laughing at the stupid quotes and memes that people have been posting the whole-day. Without realising it she stood up, walked into the lounge, sat on the couch and looked around to see what everyone else was up to.

Victoria sat in the corner huddled with Jeydon isolating themselves as they usually did; what were they always doing here then if they were constantly going to isolate themselves?

Ntsakela sat at the table playing cards with Tannah, Serina and Shaylin; she looked like she was about to win too. Serina kept glaring at Shaylin who chose to sit between Ntsakela and Tannah.

Dwayne sat at the computer table doing research on something unknown to the rest of them. He jumped as the computer started flashing with a big sign indicating that they had just received mail.

"Hey guys! You got mail, or should I say we got mail." Its from Steph.

Everyone rushed up to surround the computer, excited to see what she had written them. Ntsakela leaned over Dwayne to type in their password. Dwayne made no indication that he would move and read the email aloud for everyone to hear;

"My dearest friends!

I sit here not sure of what to say either because I miss you too much or because there is way too much to tell you. This program is definitely not what I thought it would be and there is so much going on that I dont know where to start or where it ends – if it ends. It's really hard to do the training that they want me to do and it's driving me mad not being able to communicate with you on a daily basis.

I thought I saw a guy with large black wings coming out of his back, how stupid right!

We have been studying here too; classes on weaponry, army strategies and hand-to-hand combat plus a bonus class of our choice. Obviously, we have our normal classes that we take at school but apparently here it doesnt really count as much as it does there.

Anyways, the first two I found easy but the last I'm struggling with it and its really bad. Kyle whips my ass at every sparring session. The only thing that gets me through is the art class I chose; you know me and my doodles. Not as good as you guys but I can try.

I have a huge duel in two days time and they say that if we don't pass it we will be sent home. El, Irina, Dylann and Lu have been sent home as you know...

Good luck, they probably have a lot to say. Glad I am missing all that crap talk.

So, for the next two days I will have a lot of time to myself but I'm not sure if we can email or not. I can't wait to hear what you have been up to if we can email again.

Any suggestions on what I can do to win the duel on Monday? I really want to be in this program, but I wouldn't mind being sent home either because I get to see you guys.

I have two guards standing here watching over me now and one constantly following me everywhere I go. I must say the guys and girls here are very hot but not really for me. Every time I walk passed a hot guy/girl I can't help but think that this guy would be perfect for Tannah or Ntsakela or Xelia or Shang or Carter and so on!

Maybe I can find Xen a military man here. LOL!

I'm not allowed to take pictures anymore but if I don't make it into this program then when I get back I will describe everything as clearly as I can.

I hope you are all tormenting Miss Satan for me and I hope she isn't picking on you; if she is I will take of her when I return.


And I'm expecting a lot of pictures to be sent from you guys too if we can email.

Anyways, I plan on practising tonight to try and better my combat skills; maybe it will give me an edge in this match.

I love you all very much.


"Wow, it sounds like Steph is actually enjoying herself despite all the hard training." said Serina surprized.

"Yeah, we should get all the pictures ready to send tomorrow; if we can email. At least for now we got some info from her." added Ntsakela.

"So, we meet here tomorrow say around 10am and make a day of it?" asked Shaylin sleepily.

"Yeah! Why not?!" answered Xelia excitedly.

And they started preparing everything for tomorrow. Everyone was in an excited frenzy; Victoria and Jeydon stood together and glanced at the computer and saw how it turned to static for a second then went back to normal.


They looked at each other but didn't say anything to the rest of the group. Victoria didn't really want Steph to come back; she knew how much Steph truly meant to the group and to... She shook her head and walked away. Jeydon only wanted to please Victoria, so he kept quiet for her, secretly hoping that his friend was okay there.

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