Chapter 23

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Stephanie woke up earlier than she normally did; she opened her eyes and glared at the time.

'Four am!'

She sighed and rolled her eyes, then looked around. She stopped and stared at the wall. Was she seeing things differently, in way more detail than a normally?

She realised then that the clock she was staring at wasn't actually a clock but her watch...

She shook it off as her imagination and got out of bed. She walked to the shower and turned it on to steaming. She stepped into the shower slowly and enjoyed the feel of the hot water running through her hair and rolling down along her spine. She relished in the feel of how the second the water hit her body, it calmed her down immediately. She felt each drop roll over her skin and she swore she could feel every breath of steam fill her lungs.

At that moment, all she could think of was relaxation> The steam felt better, made everything feel better. She opened her eyes and followed a drop as it fell, passing through steam and the air resistance to land on the tiled floor.

'Those vitamins must have been really good, damn.'

As she got out, she remembered how Sebastian's eyes seemed to change colour every now and then. The blue seemed to keep her suspended in time and that made a shiver run down her back. She took some water and splashed it across her face to wash the image of Sebastian out of her mind.

'What the actual fuck!'

She got dressed quickly, making sure to wear the new uniform they had delivered to her last night. She opened the door and peered around to see if there were any guards or if Sebastian was waiting for her before she started her usual walk around the base.

She heard someone walk up behind her, his footsteps sounded very light but arrogant;

"Hello Sebastian, you seem to be following me around, is this a new habit?" confronted Steph into the quiet air.

"How did you know it was me?" he asked sounding impressed.

"Lets say it was my natural instincts, also you have been doing it a lot lately.

What do you want, or should I ask what the General wants now?" she turned and folded her arms over her chest.

"Funny, I'm not just a messenger for the General ya know. I have a dark side to me too, so I do what I want, when I want... with who I want."

"I'm sure you do though I'm not sure who would want to do anything with you. That must be why you choose to spend your free time following girls around the base; fascinating. And I'm sure I could handle your dark side if you had one." she taunted not knowing where it came from.

"Don't objectify me! I'm more than just a sexy guy with a dark side." Sebastian dramatically put his hand on his head and took a step closer to her.

She looked down and could feel his hot breath on her neck. She took a step back before he could do anything unexpected; he did have a habit of surprising her sometimes.

"Nobody said you were sexy, so don't twist my words and actually answer my question." challenged Steph who was about to walk away.

He chuckled and took another step closer – a step too close to her and blocked her way. He took a rebellious curl that escaped her pony-tail and played it around his fingers.

"Why are you following me?" she asked pushing him away.

"General gave me the task of training you, remember?" he argued slyly.

"That was not in the program that the General presented when we last spoke." she cursed knowing he probably had said something to the General.

"Things... change. He is giving you a taste of the soldiers life." he looked at her through half closed eyes that looked as if they were dancing over her.

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