Chapter 22

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Dwayne and the others sat patiently; waiting for Dr Harper to arrive. They were all nervous but very determined to get this trip. If there was one thing that could be said about the group, it was that they could be very stubborn when they really wanted something, and everyone knew that. They looked at the clock that sat behind his desk not sure why he was so late.

He came in a good hour later and sat down. He had a solemn expression and looked very annoyed to have been dragged away from what he had been doing.

"Yes? You all wanted to speak to me."

"Yes sir. We wanted to ask if you could possibly arrange a trip to go visit Stephanie." started Taylor as respectfully as he could.

"For the whole grade." added Xelia quickly.

"Why on earth would I do that? It will cost us a lot of money and we can't take time away from your studies." countered Dr Harper astonished.

You could say it's to advertise the school to the people that work there who have families or who know of people who are looking for good trusting schools that teach independent, intelligent students." stated Ntsakela getting a little annoyed.

"They send their kids here and don't have to pay extra for babysitters, they will put their trust in the school." added Tannah.

"And you get more students who can pay the school fees. Plus, for them it is an advertisement to see how the military work so that more students can join the program next year. That way you both benefit." said Tannah.

"And the school can show how supportive they are of their students." informed Tyrell.

Dr Harper sat in silence for a bit contemplating everything they had just said.

"You all make very good points but the cost of getting there is high. We cannot simply take it out from the school fees, those are already being used for other projects." stated Dr Harper dismissively.

"We can raise the money. We have already organised it with the rest of the grade 12's. They are actually putting money together as we speak. The school won't have to use the money from their bank." informed Ntsakela.

"And we organised the transport. We have two busses who agree to take us if we get permission from the school along with teachers to accompany us." added Dwayne proudly.

"That's all good and well but we cannot cut time from your classes and ask teachers to go with just like that, we would have to organise sub teachers and that takes a lot of time and more money."

"We have sorted that out too sir. If we just take the grade 12 teachers – as they only teach grade 12's – we wont have to organise sub teachers and we have already asked them. They said as long as we get your permission they are fine about going with us." stated Xelia nervously.

"And while on the trip each subject can still be taught, and we can have class. For example; accounting students can learn how they manage their finances and geography can learn about the type of ground they work on. So... no time will be taken out of our classes." babbled Taylor encouragingly.

"You will need either Mr Van or my-self to accompany you."

"That's why we are here. You will get to see your old friend and Mr Van can run things while you are gone. It has been done before." insisted Ntsakela.

"You all make a compelling case...

Very well, I will arrange it today. Everyone has to be ready by Thursday, so we can get there by Friday maybe even Saturday at the latest."

"It's already done sir." finished Tannah quickly.

"Alright, you may all go." and Dr Harper started typing on his computer, arranging everything from his side.

They left feeling proud at what they had just accomplished and hoped that their efforts wouldn't prove to be fruitless. They would get to see Steph and hear about all that she was up to, as well as they would get to leave the school premises for a bit. They no longer had to deal with grade eights and the annoying grade elevens.

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