Chapter 33 : Offer

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Catras POV:

After i fixed the damage i had done to Adoras back, we stayed in the room for a little longer as I found myself unwilling to break the hug. When Adora tries it saying "We should go back" i stop her

"Just...gimme a minute please"

Adora tightens her hug again "Take as long as you need.....look i get that hearing about your birth ain't easy, fuck i wouldn't know how to react myself but i think you need to hear the whole story"

i sigh "what if i don't want to....hating her gave me at least something to blame for ending up at Sharon's place....but if it now turns out that she had never any plans to give me up...i don't know if i even want to hear that"

Adora breaks the hug, cups my face and looks me deep in my Eyes "how about you accept that your birth mother never wanted you gone? That there are people out there that love you...Catra when you deny even hearing something positive about your past, it feels like you denying my feelings for you also"

I didn't consider this "I....fuck damn it...fine you are right im...gonna listen but please...just stay with me okay?"

"Of course" she says and we break the hug. With a short kiss we make our way back downstairs

Mrs Yamamori was already back from her call and hands me my Phone back "They are on their way here to discuss the finer details but you should check your messages"

I do so and find a "😁" from DT, signaling me it's okay to tell her

Adora and i take a seat and start by going over our Childhood as it is important to make this Woman understand my reaction, i feel.

She listens very closely until we mention who financed the hellhole we grew up in and her face contorts "God damn it...i knew he had something like this going but we could never find out where. I am sorry you had to live through that"

Adora, surprisingly, smiles at her "It had one plus. I wouldn't have meet Catra without that shit place so at least some good came out of it"

I can't believe she would think that....i'm not wor "right...maybe it was worth it" i think to myself and give Adora the brightest smile i can muster

Soon after, DT rings the doorbell and is led to us. After a short greeting they start discussing the details of their cooperation

"Catra was right to trust you mam, i think we might have similar goals. I can finance this whole operation but neither my Wealth nor my connections in the upper echelon of society can reach yours"

"I heard the name Gekko before and I know better than to make you an enemy DT. We will gladly aid you however you need as long as we can see the desired result. Now tell me what your plan entails please"

DT goes over our infiltration plan and the Auction, without mentioning Lonnie i notice. I assume either they don't want to involve her since she is already out of the Plan or not mention that we work together with a former Ally of Prime.

"You are risking a lot by even going to that Auction....i knew it was happening but we never got invited after we declared us Allies of Hybrids. I have a friend who might be able to help you with the infiltration of the other place"

"Issn't this ...waaaay to dangerous?" asks Sabrina

"Yeah it is...but i am done running from the bastard, like i've done for now 3 years i might add" i answer her

"It is a big risk but i understand that you have little choice when you can't trust that Prime has not simply a lot of the Police on his Payroll" says mrs Yamamori

A Cat's worth (Catradora Modern AU) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now