Chapter 16 : Rumor

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TW: Homophobia, Homophobic slurs

Catras POV:

I really had a hard time staying calm after i saw the Pictures of us, ready to be ridiculed by the World...if this is what makes Adora choose to just be friends at the end, i swear i will kill the little twat

After talking about what to do we left for School, Adora driving us. I was certain who I had to thank for the ruined morning and I was already planning to fix it. While I hate the fact that I too have been outed, my worry for Adora makes it far less important.

When we reached The School parking Lot, Adora was visibly uncomfortable. "Hey" i say as i take her Hand "i'm gonna be right there with you okay? I will not let any of them hurt you Adora"

She nods but doesn't look at me before she gets out ".....Please be okay" i think to myself when i get out and join the others.

Everyone's eyes shot towards us as we walked down the Hallway, murmurs and whispers following not far behind. I stay as calm as i can be but i can feel my Claws itching and my Tail puffing up without the need to see it. I keep it together until we walk towards Adoras locker and i hear the word "Dyke", causing Adora to visibly flinch

I whip around, my Ears impossible to fool at this moment and walk towards a small group of Cheerleaders. Mustering all of the strenght i have and using every bit of anger over seeing Adora clearly hurt, i pick out the one that had said Dyke and ramm my Claws into the locker beside her, ripping through it like Butter, scratching her cheek just enough to draw Blood and forcing my Face as close to her as i can without touching her "REPEAT THAT YOU FUCKING BITCH, I DARE YOU!" i scream in her Face.

The Girl is to scared to even speak at this point and just stares at me shaking and wide eyed. I let a few seconds pass for emphasis "That's what i thought" i say as i back up and get back to my Friends and Adora who were looking at me with a mix of surprise, fear and worry.

We are about to walk away after I just silenced the Homophobic cunt when we see Mr. Hordak stomp towards us "Catarina D'riluth, what in the hell do you think you are doing?"

Adora, to my surprise, steps in front of me "NO What in the HELL is this School doing?" Adora shouts and Mr. Hordak stopped dead in his track. She turns around "Anyone who has something to say to me, find your Spine and do it to my FACE!" and walks right up to Mr. Hordak "Her Name is Catra....try doing your Job for once and remember it"

I highly doubt any student ever talked this way to him as he was too stunned to even complain about it. Rounding the corner, Adora slumps against the Wall and lets out a huge sigh "That felt amazing....wanted to do that since i met the Bastard''

She takes my Hand in hers "let them talk. I decided I don't care anymore. I didn't plan it but...i am who i am and no amount of Bitching and Homophobic shit is gonna change that" i smile at her as she holds my Hand "and i am with who i want to be" she finishes and we start walking to my locker, Bow and Glimmer grinning and quietly celebrating behind us,

"We both are" i say "but for how much longer?" i think to myself. The Ultimatum still looming over this 'Relationship' like the Sword of Damocles. I was afraid that us being outed would scar her or scare her away from me but to my surprise, Adora is brimming with confidence and pride and i don't think it's Fake.

Before we separate and go to our Classes, Adora tells me not to kill anyone and i promise to try at least. With a kiss, she runs off before she's late and i can't stop the smile on my face.

Glimmer and i shared the next Class so we walked together "I am impressed Adora is handling this so well" she says

"Same...i'm happy she is tho....i was ready to force her to skip if she wouldn't have" i admit

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