Chapter 29 : Clear

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TW: light Drug use, mentions of suicide

Catras POV:

When Sabrina comes out of the Shower we give her some space and sit in our Living room. She looks like her World just ended or like it was about to and i can imagine why but rather not work with my own assumptions

The Sisters have not answered my texts but then again it's 2 o clock right now so that's not all too surprising. I offer Sabrina something to drink and get ignored for my trouble "You really don't want to talk to the People whose place you just showed up at this time of day?"

No reaction. Sabrina lets her Head hang and a few drops of water drip onto the floor but she gives us no reaction

Adora sighs "i think this is a good day to forget, don't you Catra?" she says as she gets up to go to her room and i know what she means by that. Adora is, at the best of days, against Drugs but on rare occasions, when she really needs a break, she asks to "forget" a Day.

A few minutes pass and Sabrina still has not lost one word about why she is here or what happened to her. For her to come to us of all people proves that she is beyond desperate.

Adora returns with a small case of freshly rolled Joints and offers me one. I always liked the effect Marihuana has on me because it dulls my senses to the point that I no longer have to actively focus on suppressing my enhanced hearing. Sabrina gets offered one and takes it, finally showing a sign of life at least.

Adora lights her Joint and takes the Seat beside me on the couch "You know .....i didn't think i would ever come to like my life" i say, more to myself than to either of them "I always thought that i would have to, one day, accept that there is noone in this World that is just for me....not even talking Partner here i mean in general. I had no friends besides Scorpia, lost all contact with Adora, was constantly under the control of someone, be that Weaver or my 'Parents' and I hated vastly more things than I liked. Meeting you again....i thought that it was my one chance to at least have someone who understands me....that's all i needed"

I hold up my own Joint and Adora lights it "I still say you would have been fine without me. I'm sure there are tons of People in the World who would love you....maybe not the same way i do but still. We got lucky Catra....even surviving that Place....was luck, nothing more. I still can't fully claim to understand you but i doubt there will ever be anyone who will know you better than me and i wouldn't want it any other way"

Adora and I continue to talk while smoking for a few minutes, getting more and more sucked into our own World that exists only for us, our past and our future plans when suddenly Sabrina rips the Towel from her Head and screams into it as loud as she can. Seconds later she throws it away and lights her Joint and takes a deep inhale of smoke that results in a coughing attack.

Having that out of her system, the Drug works its magic on the young woman in minutes, letting her relax to the point she can at least talk to us "How can be so goddamn happy? Have you never felt....wrong because you are Gay?"

Adora and i look at her, then to each other and both break out laughing "Fuck no" i tell her, trying to catch my breath "Why? Is that gonna change anything? I was born this way and i'm proud to be, if you really want to know"

"Yeah i have to admit Sabrina that was one fucking stupid question" Adora says, wiping her eyes "Not like hearing how others feel about that is gonna change how i feel"

Sabrina is clearly not happy with our answers but I doubt she could even tell us what she wanted to hear. Visibly upset she takes another puff of Smoke into her Lungs and exhales it this time without a cough

A Cat's worth (Catradora Modern AU) (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now