Chapter 4 - Rules

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Hair tied up in a messy bun, a warm coffee mug in her hands, Akshara Goenka, sat cross legged on the cozy sofa of her new living room as she watched the sunset through the large glass doors. She had a settled smile on her face as the sunset brought up one of her most precious memories. A.B.

However, her peaceful moment was disturbed by the man who was now her new flatmate for five months. Abhimanyu Birla. His name somehow suited his straightforward and confident personality. But she didn't like the fact that he was stubborn and annoying as heck. In the last five hours of her presence here, she had already faced a handful of hardships because of him. And it looked like Mr.Perfectionist wasn't done yet. She thought as she placed a hand under her chin and stared over boringly as he hanged a white board on the wall between the living room and dining space.

Abhimanyu glanced over his shoulder to the girl sitting on the sofa to see if he'd her attention. She was contemplating his actions with a bored look on her face. An imaginary brow shot up in his mind. Was she always like this? Lazy, messy and stupid? —Must be. He agreed mentally before focusing back on the board as he drew a line in the center, dividing it into two. He wrote their names on each side.

"OYE! I've a name! Akshara! Not TM!" He snorted when he heard her shout.

"You're Troublemaker for me. I'm only being honest with myself, Ms. TM." He retorted while she placed her mug on the coffee table loudly and got up, making her way to him.

Snatching the marker from his hands, she erased his name on the board and instead wrote 'DD' as he frowned not understanding. With a smirk, she looked at him, feeling smug. "DD for Devil in Disguise." She answered his unspoken question while watching his jaw dropping open.

Abhimanyu cursed under his breath as he took in the smug girl in front of him. Trouble. She was a trouble walked straight on his path. Oh god, it's gonna be hard to bear this trouble for five months. Mahadev help me, in what shit did I get myself into?

Shaking his thoughts away, he snatched back the marker from her hand.

"If we're living together then we've to set the rules first." He said sternly and she mentally agreed even though a part of her mind snickered as she knew she'll break every one of his rules.

"One. No mess." He started and she couldn't have held back her snort even if she wanted to. Damn, if only her Papa heard this...

She zipped her mouth shut when he glared at her. "I hate mess and I won't hesitate to to throw you out if—"

As if Akshara Goenka will listen to his nonsense silently. "You can't throw me out. We're flatmates. If I'm out then I'll make sure to take you out as well." She shot back shrugging before sipping her coffee.

He groaned in frustration. "Are you always like this? A pain in ass?"

"Oh, not at all. I can be a total sweetheart when I want to, but your bad, I wanna be the biggest pain in ass for you." She retorted as Abhi smacked his fist against his forehead.

"What? Am I being a too much of a pain?" She asked faking concern.

And he recomposed himself giving her an extra-sweet smile "Absolutely not, you're being your most adorable self right now, what a pleasure to have you here, Akshara Goenka." He whistled lowly, sarcasm dipping from his tone.

It was her turn to glare and groan as she crossed her arms. Abhimanyu smirked in satisfaction before tuning back to the board.

"Two. You shouldn't disturb my sleep. It's my most precious thing and I become a very very grumpy person when I lack sleep." He said as noted it down while she silently took in the information, keeping it in the corner of her mind to use it against him in the future if needed.

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