Chapter 36 - Win their heart

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One wouldn't have been able to differentiate a statue from Akshara Goenka, as she sat frozen, without batting a lash, in front of her grandparents. Her mind went blank the moment her eyes fell on them and since then, she couldn't make it function properly, much to her displeasure.

Next to her, was an equally surprised
Abhimanyu by the sudden appearance of Goenkas and also, because he didn't know how his mother and Taiji, knew them. He shoved his questions to the back of his mind for later and snapped himself from his surprise as another fact hit him. It's his Akshu's grandparents. The Goenkas. Which meant that they were his future...—Abhi, your train is moving too fast, buddy.— His brain reminded him. He shut it up and greeted them with a smile, just as his mother started introducing them.

"Manish Bhai sab, Swarna ji, this is my elder son, Abhimanyu." He folded his hands and greeted them respectfully. "This is Neil and Nishta, you already know them." His brother and sister did the same, while Abhi glanced at them with question, to which Neil nodded later.

"And this... Manjiri ji?" Swarna asked politely, her eyes not leaving Akshara as she felt an invisible pull toward the girl. Akshara's hand curled on his lap, her heart tugging and throat clogging up. Her childhood happy and bad memories were creating a turmoil in her. Abhimanyu squeezed her hand comfortingly as he helplessly saw her controlling her moistening eyes.

"She's Abhi's friend!" Manjiri smiled widely. "Akshi!" Akshara interrupted suddenly, her heart pounding in her chest. His mother's eyes found his and he shook his head subtly, requesting her to keep silence. "I'm here for Parth Bhai's wedding, Abhi invited me."

Manish and Swarna couldn't break their eyes off her, neither could Akshara. Manjiri, noticing the tension, added. "She's being modest, she's a part of family now."

Akshara's head snapped to her Manjiri aunty and the tears pooled in her eyes. She was too overwhelmed to speak anything so she excused herself and rushed to the washroom.

The Birlas and Goenkas were stunned by her reaction, and Manjiri's concerned eyes found Abhi. "Did I say anything wrong Beta? Why is she—"

He shook his head, hurried to reply. "No, Maa. She's just overwhelmed by your words..." His stare landed on Goenkas. "She must miss her family... I'll go check on her, you guys carry on." With that he left the table after getting a nod of approval from his mother and Taiji.

Akshara was knelt in the washroom as he entered, her head averted away from the door. Her soft sniffles was the only sound in the washroom as it was empty. He squatted down and without a word pulled her in his arms, embracing her protectively.

She didn't need to look up to know it's her Abhi as she felt him when he entered the washroom, his earthy smell and unique warmth, comforting her before even he embraced her. She tucked her face in his neck as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I-I'm sorry I left like that." She apologised between her cries, scrubbing her nose on his shirt.

"Why are you sorry, Baba? Your reaction was totally normal." Abhimanyu murmured. "In fact, I'm glad you didn't crack then and there."

"No..." Akshara shook her head without looking up. "I should've handled this better. I prepared myself for it but I failed when I was actually facing the said situation." She mumbled, tightening her arms around him in frustration and disappointment.

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