Chapter 5 - Devil and Trouble

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Abhimanyu's alarm went off sharp at 7am as he stirred, waking up from his dreamland. But his arm hit something hard and his eyes snapped open to look at his surroundings. Confined. He was confined on the fold-out sofa bed. Sighing frustratedly, he rubbed his hand that hit the window as he turned around. His gaze fell on Akshara. The Trouble Maker that broke in his flat, disturbed his peace, stole his cosy bed and was now, sleeping on the same bed.

>>>Flashback :

Abhimanyu and Akshara sprinted inside the bedroom and jumped on the bed with such a force that it shook the bed base.

"Abhimanyu! Get out of my bed!" Akshara groaned kicking him away as he held her hands in a tight grip.

"You get out, Trouble maker! The bed is for me!!" He shouted back as he used his force to pull her off the bed. Akshara cursed him as she felt her back sliding down the bed, no matter how many times she rolled over and gripped the covers. He was just too strong for her.

"Fuck you, Abhimanyu Birla! You're such a jerk!" She yelled smacking his rib with a knee as he almost succeeded in pulling her off the bed.

"Go to hell, Akshara Goenka!" He said back heatedly while she managed to free a hand from his grip and held the bed rest to stop herself from falling.

She kicked him on the his leg suddenly and his hold on her other hand loosened at his surprise. Using her chance, she pushed him off the bed with all her force and almost cried in happiness when his muscular body fell off the bed. But her happiness was short lived as the Devil in disguise wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her with him as he fell.

And that's how, once again, they found themselves on the reverse position of the morning, with her on top of him this time, as they breathed heavily in the sting they just pulled together.

His eyes detailed her face, the drops of sweat on her forehead, hair loosely falling on her shoulders like a black curtain and her eyes. Her eyes were really beautiful. Those eyes were observing his face as she took in his handsome features, piecing eyes, straight nose, defined jawline covered by his light stubble.
No doubts. He truly was the most handsome man she's ever seen.

Their trance is was broken by his phone buzzing from the nightstand. Getting up quickly, she sat on the bed and waited while he replied a text. When he was done, he glanced up and she averted her gaze from him, feeling awkward.

Shaking his head, he made his way in front of her and dropped himself on a puff. He fished out a count from his pocket.

"Head or tail?"

She looked up at him before travelling her eyes to the coin. He shrugged. "Only way to solve our problem without fighting." She nodded wordlessly.

"Cat got your tongue? You were yelling cursed at me, a few minutes ago." He said.

"Shut up, DD. Head." She retorted with a roll of eyes. "No wait! Tail!" She cried just as he was about to throw the coin.

He muttered  'patience Abhi. Patience' under his breath as he glared at her. "Head or Tail?"

"Tail!" She shot back annoyed and he threw the coin grumbling about how indecisive she was for a simple matter which earned him another shut up from her.

"AHA!" She laughed when it landed on the tail. "Why're you glaring at the poor coin, blame your luck."

"Trust me, I'm already blaming it from the moment you walked in this flat." He answered as he stood up and took a pillow and a comforter from the wardrobe before proceeding to unfold the sofa and arrange his new  makeshift bed on it.

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