Chapter 21 - You belong with me

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Raindrops continuously hit the glass widow of the car, making a soft, soothing sound. The thuds and splashes were calming, slowly but the silence remained in the car as they sat, Abhimanyu and Akshara. Abhimanyu behind the steering wheel, her right beside him on the passenger seat, still wrapped up in his jacket. He glanced at her way furtively from time to time but didn't utter a word.

He was still processing the happens, the rage he was feeling in him, the hurt that was burning him from inside slowly, steadily. But more than anything, his concern was her. Akshara. His Troublemaker was silent and as much as he wanted to give her time and space, he wanted to know everything that was going in her mind. He wanted her to release her frustration, anger and pain.

The car stopped in front of their building and Abhimanyu unbuckled his seatbelt before staring at her. As she didn't make a move, he leaned in and their gazes interlocked, speaking what words couldn't express. He asked her permission with his eyes and when she granted it, he unbuckled her seatbelt as well, all the while feeling her eyes on him.

He stepped down, rounded the front without minding the falling pitter patter rain and opened her car door.
"Akshu, let's go inside." He said as he helped her out. Akshara let him help her as she trusted him completely, with her life.

As Abhimanyu turned around to head towards their block, he felt two arms wrap around his middle from behind, her head on his back, a second later as the raindrop kept on falling on them. His heart skipped a beat as he brought his hands up to touch hers on his stomach and her heart pounded against his back. He whirled around in her arms, taking her breathtaking sight in, as she stood drenched in the rain, her red dress contrasting perfectly with his black coat.

"Akshu..." He whispered as he wiped the rain drops off her face, tucking a lock of hair that fell upon her eye.

She leaned against his palm. Their eyes brimmed with tears at the same time as the last hour hit them like a thunder. Akshara approached closer, not wanting to be away from her safe heaven. He muffled a whimper as he crashed her in his chest, embracing her tightly in his arms as she buried her face in his front, letting herself be entirely wrapped up in the comfort and protection of his arms.

They stood braced in each other's warmth, in their own bubble in the deserted front yard of their block, the night breeze and rain chill but comforting.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for leaving you...I-I didn't come earlier, I'm..." Abhimanyu mumbled apology after apology as he cupped her face to stare at her, tears flowing down freely.

She shook her head crying with him as she brought her hands to his face.
"Why... why are you apologizing Abhi?" Her voice cracked. "You-saved me." He wiped her tears. "I can't even ima-gine what could've happened if you didn't come at the right time." Akshara flinched at the mere thought, making Abhi gather her closer in his arms, leaving no gap. "Thank you." She cried and he shook his head, wiping the water off his cheek.

"You would thank me now?" He chided softly. She frowned at him. "Didn't you say I'm in your people list?" She nodded like an obedient child. "Do you think you aren't mine?" She nodded her head in a No. "So?" He scolded her. "Isn't it my responsibility to protect and take care of what rightfully belong with me?"

Akshu stared at him, speechless. His earlier statement flashing back in her mind. 'I don't take my promises lightly, especially when it comes to what's mine'. She didn't know why but the thought of being his, soared her heart. She grabbed his middle to pull him closer, bumping his forehead with hers.

"I belong with you?" She breathed barely audible, but enough for him to hear as a gasp left his mouth. His thumb caressed the spot under her eye, staring back into her eyes. "Don't you?" He breathed back.

The sound of rain hitting the ground seemed to fade, slowly and slowly, as the distance between them gradually diminished, hearts pounding soundly, their breaths mingling before their lips met.

A jolt of electricity coursed through the cells of their bodies as the world exploded in shards of molten light. They both breathed in, just as their half-closed eyes shut completely.

She tightened her grip on his shoulders, pressing her into his warmth, and he drew her to him, their lips tangling in a shy dance. A wildfire of searing flames ran through their bodies, and despite the cold rain that drenched them from head to toe, Abhimanyu and Akshara lit a new spark of blaze.

A wave of flashes washed over him and he shuddered and pulled away from the kiss, their shocked gazed interlocking together, inches between them as they panted.

The shock lasted only a few seconds for Abhimanyu before it turned to shame and guilt as his mind assaulted him with the events of the night. Akshara had been wronged, almost—, and yet he was taking advantage of her drunken and vulnerable state. How could he? How... how could he kiss her when she wasn't in her right mind? When a monster had been forcing himself at her an hour ago?

His jaw ticked in disgust and anger at himself as his eyes burned with unshed tears that he tried to keep at bay with all he had. When her beautiful gaze glanced up to meet his, he averted his own in shame as a gulp formed in his throat. He took away his hand from her waist, releasing his hold on her as he stepped back.

Abhi finally found the courage to lock his eyes with her surprised ones, and noted something that his guilty consciousness couldn't decipher properly.

"I'm sorry, Akshara. I shouldn't have kissed you." His voice was sincere, laced with pain and remorse, and just then, the first tear fell from her eyes.


Eagerly waiting for your feedback guys!

And please do vote, my final exams are coming up so I will probably post one more chapter  (or two, if I've time before it begin), hope you'll understand the delayed updates later.

Your author,

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