Chapter 13 - New friendships and past relationships

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Abhimanyu Birla entered the hospital with a distraught mind that day. His usual seriousness, all work mode was off as he absentmindedly double checked his senior doctor's patients' files. He usually was very focused on his job. Nothing could shake him out of it when he's in his element. But currently, his mind was still back in the living room of his flat where he woke up next to a very beautiful sleeping Akshara. And though, he excused himself with work before getting out of the house hurriedly, which was partially true as he really was just in time for the job—he couldn't help but be bothered by her upset face as he closed the main door. And it's been bugging him even after two hours, that is at eleven in the morning when he was finally back from his round.

He sighed and closed Mr.Gupta's file, angry that he couldn't really pinpoint the exact issue in his heart even after reading his file twice. Frustrated at his own distracted self, he recalled Akshara's words from last night. 'Friends can think about each other, scold and curse each other. It's totally normal in friendship.'

Yeah, right. Not really when you can't work. It picked his 'workaholic ego'. He groaned again before pulling out his phone and touched 'Troublemaker' on his contact list as he called her. He praised himself for the perfect surname for her on the same occasion: Troublemaker. He was a freaking genius!

Akshara was in her college's cafeteria seated on her favourite window side table with her friend, Rhea when her phone vibrated on the table. Rhea was stage first one to read the caller id as it's nearest to her. "Devil in Disguise? What the hell?" She questioned with a cackle as Akshara almost spit out her strawberry milkshake before she kept the glass away to grab her phone and slid answer.

"Having fun after ruining my day?" His grumpy voice boomed through her phone's speaker. Akshara initially frowned still not understanding why he called her out of nowhere before her mind registered his statement. The audacity of this guy when he couldn't even wish her good morning before rushing out as if she's a ghost!

"I'm drinking a strawberry milkshake mixed with cherry syrup and vanilla topping over it, you see... it's absolutely, insanely delicious. So yes, I'm having the best time." She retorted back with a sigh, making sure to add extra details to piss him off. If he's going be a jerk, then she's gonna be a jerk as well. Tit for tat.

"Well, I'm not even able to understand a damn heart diseased patient's file and coffee isn't working on me. So, go on, enjoy your super strawberry milkshake with extra vanilla topping." He said back without missing a beat.

"Eww. Don't talk about heart and disease when I'm having my milkshake you weirdo." She said disgusted.

"Oye.." He frowned from the other side, his index finger up as if she's in front of him.

"Hoye." She matched him with the word and action before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. Abhimanyu was grumpy right now. That she got it. Why? She didn't know. But he's no right to eat her brain up when he left her without a single look at her even for courtesy.

"What do you want Abhimanyu? Why are you eating my brain?" She asked, rather bored.

"Nothing." He murmured pinching the bridge of his nose and mentally crushing his impulsiveness to call her for no reason. He didn't even know why he did or what he wanted to say honestly.

"I just remembered something you said last night..." She hummed, letting him continue. "You said friends can curse each other in mind and it's totally normal." She nodded not knowing where this was going. "But I hate b*thing about someone on their back. So, I called you."

Akshara blinked at his words as her jaw dropped open. Unbelievable. This guy was unbelievable. She took a breath and mentally counted from one to ten. "Wait. Let me get this straight. You were scolding me in your mind but felt like you're b*tching about me so you called me to scold me to my face??"

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