Chapter 32 - Home

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The wind swept her tresses as she stood gazing at the city of lakes gleaming with its natural beauty. Her boyfriend stood beside her, his eyes on her as he watched her lost expression.

"We're in Udaipur." She noted with apprehension.

"We are." He replied. "I wanted it to be a surprise. But you seem to know about this city already." His tone held a silent question.

"I've bittersweet memories with this city, Abhi." Akshara admitted as she finally tore her gaze to look at him. "It's my birth place and the very reason why I left to US."

Surprise shone in his eyes before it morphed into concern, but he didn't interrupt her. "It's... my Mumma's last memory." She whispered painfully while he tilted his head, stroking the wetness under her eyes. His heart sinking at the sight of her tears.

"Akshu..." Abhi breathed as he closed in, and she held his sleeves, leaning onto him. "I'm connected to Udaipur because it's my Mumma's childhood. It's where my parents found each other, our family is's my home."

"Then, what made you leave your home, Akshu?" Abhimanyu asked, confused. Remorse clouded her expressions as she casted her eyes to the rough ground.

"Me. I'm the reason why we left." Akshara said lowly.

"What do you mean, Baby?" Abhi spoke softly as he held her chin up.

And his Akshu slumped into him, burying her face in his neck as she whimpered silently. Amidst her soft sobs, she narrated him the happens aftermath her mother's death, her father and BadePapa's arguments about his second marriage, her father's refusal, her BadePapa's resolution, her father's selfless decision for her and their departure from India.

She further confessed her real reason for returning to India after all these years : reuniting her father who sacrificed everything for her with his family. Mending his bond with his father and giving him back the parents he lost because of her.

"BadePapa is very adamant. So is Papa. He wouldn't have let me come here if he knew about this." Akshara shook her head against Abhi's shoulder as they were sitting on the top of the hill.

"I purposely applied my course in India, I had better offers to other countries but I wanted to come back here because I wanted my family back. I want to win my family for my Papa who gave them up for me." She wiped a lone tear, voice soft as velvet. "I want them to accept us whole heartedly and live as a family."

Akshara looked up at Abhimanyu, overwhelmed. "They're my home Abhi. Them being with me and Papa is like Mumma being with us. That house, those bonds, the memories they've of my Mumma...I want to know to everything. I want them all. They're everything I want." She said earnestly.

Abhi couldn't really describe what he felt at that very moment. His heart ached for what she's gone through but soared with pride for her noble intentions and whelmed with unconditional love for her selflessness.
He didn't know he could fall her more but right that instant, as he looked at the most amazing person of his life, he knew that he fell for her all over again, hundred times harder, and that he would absolutely do anything for his girl.

Without being able to control the outburst of his feelings, he grabbed her nape and pressed their lips together in a deep kiss that sent their hearts ramming and butterflies fluttering in their stomachs. Akshu moaned slightly as she cupped his face, pulled him closer as he roamed her mouth, fervently. He broke the kiss with a last tug on her lower lip and she opened her eyes to gaze at him, breathless.

He pinned her in an intense eye lock and she could see pride in his hazel orbs. "Whatever your father did twenty years ago, is totally worth it." He breathed. "You, Akshara Goenka, are worth any sacrifice." He pulled her face closer, making their noses touch. "So, don't you ever feel guilty for his decision because anyone who sees your selfless love for them, would do anything for you."

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