Chapter 48 - Checkmate of Hearts

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Akshara skipped into the kitchen to help Aunt Majiri with the remaining dishes, as their families were engaged in a delightful conversation. Upon entering, she hummed in appreciation at the enticing aroma, prompting a smile from Manjiri.

"I must say, Auntie, your cooking is unparalleled! Now I understand how Abhi became such a skilled chef," Manjiri chuckled while turning off the stove. Akshara peeked over her shoulder, curious about the dish in progress. "What are you making, Aunty?"

"Abhi cooked for you?" Manjiri inquired with a sly grin, causing Akshara to blush instantly. "Well, not exactly. We used to argue a lot when we shared the flat—" She rolled her eyes with a grin as Manjiri raised a brow at used to. "Okay, fine, we still argue, but your son instigates it every time." She defended herself, evoking a low laugh from Manjiri. Her son had found the perfect match.

"Anyway, he once made some spicy noodles, and I pestered him until he agreed to share them with me," Akshara proudly concluded her story. "You have no idea how stubborn he can be, Aunty!" She grumbled, reflecting on his ability to both annoy her and sweep her off her feet.

"Still aunty?" Manjiri retorted, gazing at her fondly. Akshara needed a moment to refocus on the conversation after being lost in her thoughts.

"Huh?" Manjiri signaled the staff to leave with the dishes, finishing the last item and presenting it to a captivated Akshara. "Abhi texted me to make some nutrient-rich soup for him," she revealed. "But he detests soups." Manjiri snorted at the thought of her son. "Are you going through your period, Akshu?" Her expression was warm and affectionate.

Meanwhile, Akshara was touched by his care and concern. She wondered if this was the same Abhi who felt embarrassed wandering into the women's hygiene aisle in Mumbai. She wanted to cry. Yet, she was equally embarrassed that Aunt Majiri had figured it out. Unsure how to handle the situation, she gave up and simply nodded, her face heating up. "I, um... he wasn't supposed to know." Toying with her pallu nervously, she avoided eye contact until Aunt Majiri gently cupped the side of her face, looking at her seriously.

"Akshara, do you like Abhi?" Akshara's breath caught at the straightforward question as her heart raced. 'Like' was a small word to describe the depth of her feelings for him.

Unable to lie to Aunt Majiri, who was gazing at her affectionately, their earlier conversation flashed in her mind. She bit her lip, her palms turning clammy. "Hmm... Are you asking because of earlier?" She whispered quietly.

As Majiri raised a confused brow, Akshara elaborated hesitant, "Are you expecting me to say no, so you can proceed with your plans to marry him off to someone else?"

She closed her eyes, wincing at the mere thought. Something coiled in her stomach, aching unpleasantly. Manjiri wanted to reassure the poor girl but she sighed instead, "Do you think he'll agree to that?" As Akshara looked up in surprise, Manjiri offered her a reassuring smile. "Abhi takes time to form attachments, but once he does, he wouldn't consider letting go. He brought you into his home, introduced you to his family, stood up to your BadePapa for you, and cares about even your slightest discomfort, such as something as natural as period..."

Akshara's internal struggle was vivid in her eyes. "It's not that... He doesn't know," she breathed, "he's unaware of my feelings, and I don't know if he feels the same."

"I know he's protective and cares for me a lot, but I don't know if..." Her voice cracked as a tear rolled down her cheek. She dreaded the possibility of him not reciprocating her love. It felt selfish to desire everything of him, yet she feared having to suppress her feelings if he didn't feel the same way. Losing him was not an option, so no matter how painful it might be, she was willing to endure it.

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