Chapter Three

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"Are you ready?" A younger version of myself asked me, her voice echoing throughout my mind, as I watched her in the reflection of my mirror. A past too far from the present to allow it to matter at this moment. This is a reminder of the changes I've faced and the ones I'd like to actively avoid currently. Change never did me any good. 

When I was young, I was different from what I am now. Turning from the imaginative and distorted image of my younger self, I chose to ignore such a train of thought. The present, though mostly predictable, was far from permanent. What was subject to change I'd merely avoid at all costs if possible.

There was, however, one constant in my life that had been ever unpredictable, yet I couldn't seem to shake. It came in the form of Amity Blight, a girl I'd despised with a passion unmatched by anything but her own hatred for me. From distant memory, I could recall a smart, driven girl with green hair who'd sat next to me in middle school, eyes focused on her work as she'd placed the end of her pencil against her forehead in thought. Even with those same qualities, she was still nothing like the girl I knew today.

Exiting my room, I placed my backpack on my shoulder while carrying my gym bag in my hand. As I headed down the steps I turned the corner to the kitchen where I saw my mom standing dancing to music as she made breakfast. I was wrong, this present moment was predictable, but it was going to remain permanent in my memory for years to come. Seeing her like this caused me to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Luz? You're up earlier than usual." My mom turned with a concerned smile and a questioning gaze. I merely smiled, pulling out a chair and taking my usual seat at the table. My mother danced around the kitchen as she filled a plate with breakfast and sat it before me. "You've been getting better sleep lately right? You know how concerned I've been with you overworking yourself." She asked as she went to sit across from me with a plate of her own.

I'd been tempted to lie and spare her the worry, but I knew she'd see right through me. "I'm still working on that part," I mumbled before picking at my food subconsciously trying to distract myself from the current predicament and wanting to avoid the matter.

"I know you are. I'm just worried about your health is all. You've been juggling a lot this year so far." She said that last sentence purposefully through a mouthful of food getting me to crack.

"Ew, mom. Gross!" I said, throwing a napkin at her as she raised her arms in defense.

"Turned against by my own daughter!" She brought a hand up and placed it against her chest. "I am wounded, and you, are going to be late." She said that last part while looking at the time and I jumped up grabbing my stuff. I shoved a piece of toast in my mouth before rushing to the door.

"Have fun at school! Don't choke! Love you!" I heard my mom shout at me as I slammed the door and jumped on my bike before starting my journey to school.

... ... ... ...

"Hey, Luz! Ready for practice to start tomorrow?" Viney asked, closing her locker door and turning to face me. As I went to respond, I caught a flash of green from the corner of my eye. I moved automatically to look over Viney's shoulder to see Amity at her locker as usual. "Don't tell me you're planning on bothering her again. You guys do this every day. Don't you ever get tired of it?" Viney's sudden question caught me by surprise. 

"What do you mean? Sure it can get a bit draining, but we always do this. And besides..." I'd trailed off as I looked towards Amity once more with a smirk growing on my face.

"Besides nothing. We have the start of the season to focus on and your weird enemy relationship with Amity is clouding your judgment." She smacked me on the side of the head. "Focus!" She ordered.

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