Chapter Twenty-Four

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Things had been normal between Amity and me lately. At least, things between us had fallen back into what we used to be. Though things between us had changed lately, it seemed everything was shifting back to what made sense. Somehow though, it felt a whole lot worse than it was. We'd been bickering and bothering each other in the halls like usual however she was getting on my nerves. Trying to get a rise out of me for some reason and I did everything in my power to return the favor.

Even if this had been something I'd found comforting when it came to us it was only growing worse over time. Once again we found ourselves placing all of our stress onto each other. My nerves about upcoming tests and needing to maintain my current GPA she had admittedly helped me to gain. I had a lot to think about and a lot on my plate. It seemed she too had things piling on top of her and that is how we fell back into our old habits once again. And though I should be happy that things did not change between us I lacked the patience and arrogance I needed to put up with it. We were no longer on equal ground.

I saw a flash of green heading down the hall and I turned to look over at her approaching figure. Our eyes met and at that moment I felt a match being stuck within me. Fire, in her gaze and in mine. A wave of anger, a spread of heat, starting from my heart. My hands clenched in an unyielding manner into fists at my side. I wanted to fight it like I always had but I watched as she grew closer and everything grew hotter. My anger built towards its peak as she stopped before me. "Blight." I had said this venomously, a warning. One I wished she took seriously.

"Noceda." She whispered mockingly and raised a brow. Can't I just get a break for one day?

"Go away, Blight. You've been getting on my last nerves a lot lately. I don't need you adding stress to everything I have going on already." I spat out trying to maintain control over my rising temper.

"You're the one who said you couldn't break your habit of me. It shouldn't surprise you how my habit of bothering you is something I can't break either." Her reference to my previous words made me regret even letting them leave me in the first place. I knew it was better to keep everything in and now she was using my slip-up against me. Hunter just didn't know how to keep his mouth shut. Before he left to take Willow home he spoke with me further, his voice far louder than it should have been, and Amity had heard. She had the upper hand in that respect, knowing to use my truth-filled words spoken in a weak moment against me.

"Just admit it, Luz. You're beginning to feel different toward me. That's why you keep pushing me away. I'm finally getting to you and you can't stand it." She said this with the arrogance I had lacked as of late and it made me wonder how she'd managed not to punch me before. If I sounded like that then I wouldn't blame her if she did.

"Absolutely not. I find you to be irritating and never in my life would I ever allow it to change again." I realized what I said too late, another slip-up.

"Again?" She paused before a smirk grew on her face. "Oh Luz," she started and the fact that she had called me by my name caused a shock to surge through me and I froze from it. My heart rate stuttered and I was sure this would be my end. Whatever came from her next would no doubt bring out words from me I couldn't hold in, words I couldn't take back. I knew this but I was still stuck under her gaze and I couldn't run from it like I usually would have. I'd either give in to it or fight back and I wasn't sure which one would come from me in my current state. "You may not allow it, but that doesn't mean it won't happen." She knew exactly what she was doing to me. I felt a tug in the back of my mind and it was only a matter of time before I snapped.

"I hate you," I told her with determination. A force put behind my words she either missed or didn't seem to care to acknowledge.

"I don't believe you." The smirk was still on her face and she said it in a playful tone. She wasn't going to stop poking at me. Testing to see how far she could get before she crossed the line.

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