Chapter Four

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I passed my mother in the hall on the phone in what seemed to be a very heated conversation. And from what I could see through the crack in the door of my dad's office he, unlike my mother, was furiously typing on the computer. I shook my head and continued on my way, not bothering to initiate any form of contact with either of them. It had been a quiet start to the morning either way though there was some tension still between Emira and me from that dispute between our parents and the role she'd played as their messenger.

But with being dropped off at school came the perfect distraction from everything going on outside of it. I found myself at my locker exchanging my books when I looked over my shoulder and caught sight of Luz. "You look a little tired there, Noceda." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth as I watched her pass by dragging her feet. She stopped as she usually did and I prepared myself for another quick-witted response.

"Tired of you I suppose." She commented sarcastically. Although, her voice seemed to be weighed down by a tired drawl.

"Oh? Am I finally getting to you after all this time?" I inquired with a smirk.

She sighed and rubbed at her eyes looking as if she was going to pass out. "Had a long night Blight. I'm sure you'll use it to your advantage." Only her smirk back didn't have the same effect it usually held with the dark circles under her eyes projecting none of her usual confidence. Her cocky facade was nowhere in sight as she seemed to be entirely off her game.

"No Noceda, that would make it all too easy. I fight fair and you are severely off your game today." I turned back to my locker as I eyed her with an ornery look. "However, that doesn't mean I'll be merciful toward you."

She only rolled her eyes and let out an airy laugh. "I expect nothing less from you, Blight. Besides, peace between us is nothing but tolerance." Then she gave me a two-finger salute and made her way around a corner where she disappeared from sight like always. Tolerance huh? Okay Noceda, you just may be onto something. I chuckled to myself.

... ... ... ...

The day hadn't been too interesting. It passed by far faster than I would've liked but then again at least I had a job to keep me out of the house for now. So I sat in the empty library tapping my pencil almost dosing off a few times as I grew bored. The longer I was stuck in the silence the more times I found myself glancing at the clock only to find it hadn't moved much from the previous spot I'd seen it at.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I'm here for after-school tutoring." I heard a familiar voice say with hesitancy. This stopped my thought process in its tracks. I looked over in time to see Luz Noceda come around the corner. She seemed nervous and out of her element.

Her eyes had been scanning around the room ready and her hands had a death grip on the straps to her backpack. I tilted my head curiously at her. Upon examining her movements further I realized my lack of a response was probably further nerve-racking for her.

"Noceda? You're here for tutoring?" My voice spoke abruptly into the quiet atmosphere the library provided me with since I'd first sat down. Luz jumped back from the pure shock my sudden appearance brought her. She looked at me with wide eyes as if I was crazy.

"Blight! What the heck? You scared the crap out of me! Why the heck didn't you answer me the first time?" She yelled at me in question.

I tilted my head at her and chuckled. "I honestly was surprised to hear your voice of all people at this time and in this location. I never saw you tutoring here before." She looked at me strangely.

"Do you come here often? I thought you were smart. What would you need to be doing here?" She raised her brow at me.

"I'm a student tutor if you must know so much about me. What are you doing here Noceda?" I asked condescendingly.

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