Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Hey, Luz?" Gus called my name and I looked up from my lunch tray to meet his eyes.

"Yeah, Gus?" I said while raising a brow. He was looking down at his hands avoiding my gaze for a moment which caused me to grow worried. "What's wrong?" I asked him with concern slipping into my tone.

"Nothing's wrong, I just..." He trailed off before sighing and meeting my eyes. "I had a question about Amity but I don't want to ask you if it bothers you because of your relationship with her." This is the last thing I expected to come from him but his worry was well-placed and for a good reason. 

"No, you can ask Gus. Don't worry about it." I reassured him. "What's up?" I asked leaning forward and giving him my full attention.

"It's just that she's been acting off lately and I'm worried for her." He looked off to the side scratching his arm. "I want to help her feel better. Maybe get her mind off things? I just don't know how to go about it." He opened up to me and I felt something squeeze my heart after hearing this. My throat constricted as I searched for words knowing that I could be the reason, the cause, for her acting this way.

"Well," I started clearing my throat, "there's this thing in the library not a lot of people are aware of. If you go to the far back corner behind the shelf with the history textbooks there is a small reading spot very few people know about. In fact, I'm pretty sure only the librarian and I know of its existence if I'm being honest. That's usually where I spend my time during my study hall." I told him moving to rest my chin on one of my hands before continuing. "Above it, there's this small recreation of the solar system hanging from the ceiling. And there are stars painted and placed on the ceiling as well." I said forcing a smile. 

"She'd love to see it if you showed it to her," I told him and he seemed to be taking in my words. "Just don't tell her it's my spot or that I told you about it okay?" I asked him, begged him almost because this had been extremely important to me. Amity didn't need to know I had been a part of it or it'll make her feel worse. I'd been doing this for Gus, my friend because he cared about her. Not for Amity. For him. That's what I wanted to make myself believe anyway.

"Really? Are you sure?" He asked and I gave him a stiff nod. "Okay, I'll totally show it to her then!" He grew quiet for a moment. "Thank you, Luz. I really appreciate it." He told me softly, genuinely.

"Of course Gus. It's no problem. She's your friend and you're mine. That means something." I leaned forward and placed my hand on his shoulder giving him a bright smile. "Don't be afraid to talk about her or ask me things like this okay?" I told him gently and his eyes lit up, his mood lifting exponentially.

"I'll try to remember that Luz!" He exclaimed and we both turned as Willow fell into her usual seat looking in a good mood.

"Hey Willow!" Gus called and I took my hand off his shoulder to give her a wave.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted us and we slipped into casual conversation. Gus spoke of Press Club and Willow talked of the band while I told them about soccer practice and plans I'd made with the team. I'd started to sketch Gus and Willow while they talked to each other. They were laughing and smiling and it was a moment I wanted to capture. When I was done I turned it and slid it over to them so they could see.

"Woah, that's so cool Luz!" Gus said picking it up and looking it over.

"Well let me see it too dummy!" Willow called out trying to look at it. Then they started to fight and bicker with each other which had been fun to watch. I'd been laughing while watching them when we were cut off. 

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