Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Yeah," Hunter said before shutting his locker and turning to me, "but what if I'm not as good as I think? I can't lose this chance at a scholarship." He told me with worry in his tone and I let out a sigh.

"Hunter," I placed a hand on his shoulder, "you are a great player. You prove that on and off the field. They'd be crazy not to want you. And if they don't then they're missing out on someone really special." I attempted to comfort him while bringing my hand back to my side. "You got this okay? I believe in you." I told him reassuringly and he let out a long breath before his lips lifted into a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right." He mumbled looking off to the side before his eyes met mine and his smile grew. "Thanks, Amity." He whispered and I felt a smile tug its way onto my face in response. Though I looked off to the side as my thoughts drifted to this morning.

"Something on your mind?" Hunter asked, his voice breaking me from my thoughts.

"It's just that my parents were having a pretty heated discussion about the business. I'm not sure we're doing so well." I admitted to him with worry and his brows furrowed in concern.

"I'm sure things will be alright. Just give it some time. Your parents will figure it out." He attempted to be optimistic and I forced a smile.

"Yeah," I said as my mind drifted in thought once more, "maybe." I finished while staring to fidget with my hands. As he went to speak further a different voice rang out cutting in.

"Hey, Hunter." Willow's voice suddenly spoke up, causing Hunter to jump as we both turned toward her.

"Willow! What uh- What are you doing here?" He asked as I watched his face grow red from being caught off guard. "And what happened to your shirt?" He asked her and it drew my eyes to it. Her shirt was covered in paint reminding me of the one time Hunter had been standing in the hall of my house covered in it because of the Glandis football team.

"Gus and Viney were arguing while I was painting and Gus bumped into me. I got paint all over myself." She let out a sigh looking tired and I raised my eyebrows at the news. "I was wondering if you had an extra shirt I could borrow?" She asked before pulling on the shirt and letting it go once more. "This one won't do me any good." She finished and I cringed as some of the paint dripped onto the floor.

"Oh- I- you." He started to stumble. "Shirts! Yeah! For gym! I have some!" Before he could continue to ramble I decided to step in and save him.

"He has an extra shirt in his gym locker you could borrow." I cut him off and Willow turned to me with a small smile.

"Thanks, Amity. I couldn't quite understand what he was saying." She said though her face held an easygoing smile. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation with him. I just remember him mentioning where his locker was and I hoped to catch him. I hope I'm not intruding." She said looking guilty and I shook my head at her.

"It's really not a big deal Willow. Hunter is allowed to have other friends too. I don't really mind the extra company if it makes him happy." I spared a glance at Hunter to see that his flush had died down though he still seemed somewhat stiff. And given how I knew of his feelings for Willow I could understand why.

"Why don't you follow Hunter to the gym and he'll get you that extra shirt from his locker. You shouldn't have to stay in that mess of a shirt any longer than you have to. Hunter?" I inquired turning to him and bringing his attention back from his mind and to the present moment. "The shirt, for Willow?" I reminded him and his eyes lit up in recognition.

"Oh, right, thanks." He stood straighter and his reserve returned. "Let's go get that. Goodbye, Amity!" I shook my head as I watched them leave before adjusting my backpack strap on my shoulder. Then I started to head down the hall getting lost in my head and I oddly started to feel anxious. My parents were on edge earlier this morning and their mood affected the atmosphere of the whole house. I knew what they'd been discussing in hushed tones was serious and it worried me significantly.

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