Chapter Fourteen

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I tried to stop her from leaving but it was already too late. I watched as she stormed off and slammed the door shut. The noise echoed and then the silence returned along with my anger. I took that anger and used it as fuel for my determination. Even if Luz is the most annoying person in the world, even if my hatred towards her leads me to uncontrollable blinding fits of rage, she was defending Gus.

And if this Matt was the same as the guy who messed with Hunter and me at that party, then I was in for a bit of revenge of my own. So, with this newfound, anger-fueled determination, I set off in a direction with a plan formulating.

I arrived at my destination. I stood before the door of the science classroom and took a deep breath. After leaving the empty classroom, I set off in the direction of the office where I asked the principal for a simple favor, a trade for information. He was never given any reason not to trust me, and after lying that I needed Matt for schoolwork, I left with a place. Matt had it on his schedule that he was in science during this period.

Feeling accomplished, I smiled and pushed the door to the science room open. My determination helped me push past the teacher asking why I was interrupting class as my eyes scanned the room. When I found my target I walked towards him as he was talking with someone beside him. His face was contorted in worry as whispered to his friend until he heard the commotion I'd created and He turned his head in my direction. He looked at me in confusion until I watched recognition cross his features and he looked regretful. Probably remembering what he did at the party. 

"Are you Matt?" I asked calmly, too calmly. His face was easily recognizable as it was ingrained in my memory and I knew for sure, without a doubt, that it was him. 

"Yeah, I am." As he said this he seemed to fold in on himself as if he hated admitting such a fact. As if his name is not something he himself was proud of. I noticed his black eye, something Luz must have given him in their fight. He seemed to shift in his seat uneasily and I saw a deep sadness within his gaze. This was something I had seen in myself when I looked in the mirror and thought of my family and everything they'd expected from me. Yet I shook that observation, and the feelings it brought me, from my mind. 

"That's all I needed to know." I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile, not even thinking my next actions through before I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face the hardest I could. He fell back off his chair from the impact. There was a collective of gasps heard across the classroom, but I wasn't finished yet. As if that thought was all my body needed I felt myself move without thinking. I found myself on the floor, on top of Matt, throwing punches.

Everything became distant and quiet, background noises I gave no thought, no attention to. I could only focus on making this boy below me feel the same amount of pain he had dealt, if not more, so much more. And I'll be the one who does it. That made me smirk going against that part of me that knew better.

Everything stayed distant. Even when I was dragged off of him by the strong arms of our Science teacher. Even when I was then escorted by someone to the office while Matt was somewhere behind me. Even when I was sitting down in front of the principal watching the clock on the wall behind him slowly tick the time away. After that I found myself sitting on a bed in the nurse's office as Matt was getting checked over in the corner.

I knew that my parents were probably being called right now and that brought a sense of dread. No doubt I'll be getting a mouthful from them when I get home. A second nurse came over and checked my hand over before cleaning and wrapping it in gauze. Before the gauze completely covered it I had seen the damage my actions had caused, my knuckles broke open. "It will take a while to heal." The nurse told me sweetly while I simply nodded.

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