Chapter Six

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I arrived at the front door looking down and rereading the address within Hunter's text once again hesitating to knock. I stood there just staring at the door while hearing the thumping music on the other side. I had spent all my courage just getting here, but I wasn't going to let it go to waste. Taking a deep breath, I let myself relax, lifting my hand to knock. It was quiet for a moment with no movement. I took another breath and knocked with more confidence this time.

My thoughts slowly started to spiral out of control. Why did I even do this? A party, really? I knew literally no one here besides Hunter and I didn't even know where he was within this house. I had no idea what I was doing celebrating with a bunch of students I'd never exchanged any words with over a soccer win I could care less for. I've never watched a school sport my entire time attending Hexide and the only game I would ever intentionally go to would be a football game if Hunter just so happened to make the team.

The longer I stood here the more reasons I came up with to not go in, turn around, and leave while I still had the chance. There were going to be drunk teens, celebrating a soccer win in the worst way, and I knew that regret was going to creep in within the first few minutes of being there. But I thought I was going to be some rebellious teen and finally go against my parents. If I was going to do this I was going to make it count.

The door suddenly swung open, startling me, as the environment of the party flooded out. The lights, the music, and the smell of something strong hit me hard. The guy who opened the door looked at me like I was a long-lost friend. His shirt was backward, he had a cup spilling all over the floor from his sporadic movements, and he spread his arms as wide as his smile. "Yo, come on in! I've seen you around at school. Amity Blight right?" He waved around excitedly, spilling even more of his cup's contents onto the floor in his greeting.

Surprised he knew my name I felt my eyes grow wide. Right, I forgot, being a part of my family made me well-known. He looked down at the spill, laughing without remorse, before waving me in. "I'm surprised to see you here but the more the merrier, right? But hey, if you start a fight with the Captain, my money is totally on you." He held the door open for me and I looked at him confused by what he meant.

I stayed with my feet stuck to the porch for a bit with my brain slowly processing everything. Okay, no idea what he was talking about, but okay. I shook it off and stepped into the house. Given that he was the first person I had interacted with I lingered by the door next to him before he was called over by someone and he left me with a small wave sent my way as he departed. With that, I started to wander into the big living room filled with people. There was a student acting as a DJ speaking into the microphone. It was sensory overload at this point and I just needed something to get my mind off of the position I'd placed myself in.

I found my way into the kitchen grabbing an unopened can of something from the fridge to be safe. I opened it, stopping to look down at the liquid. I had never drunk anything like this before so it was hard to tell how it would affect me. I decided to drink very little just in case. I took a small gulp of the liquid, it tasted awful and burnt on the way down. Ignoring the taste and feeling I started to drink the rest slowly while wandering the place in search of Hunter or literally anyone I recognized. Even if I didn't have any friends outside of Hunter seeing a familiar face would have felt nice at this current moment.

Opting to stay near the living room because there were more people I just sat on a random couch. It was crowded, but I felt better knowing that I was with others, even if they were tipsy classmates. My thoughts gripped me, holding me down to the couch, leaving me with no choice but to wander them aimlessly. I snapped back from them when the DJ started to speak into the microphone drawing the crowd's attention.

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