Chapter Nineteen

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I watched as my mother walked away after giving me a task. I had to attempt to make a deal, but this deal wasn't just with anyone. This deal was meant to be made with the most powerful businessman here. I tried to push it from my mind hoping a bit of time would give me the confidence I needed to come up with a plan of execution. She had left a few minutes ago though and I haven't moved from my current spot since.

I had been standing stiffly next to a table feeling uncomfortable that I'd found myself in this position again. Forced to go to a Gala to speak with people I could care less about but had to anyway. These people were not like Hunter. They were rich, powerful, and entitled. Yet Hunter, unlike them, was actually a genuinely good person. I could really use him here right now.

This is exactly why I'd sent him a text asking him if he was coming here already knowing the answer would be yes. Hunter and I did not get a choice of whether we would be attending these or not. We were just expected to, and for once, that made me happy because I knew he'd be coming here. And though I had been with Luz that was something entirely different. Because she was Luz, but he was Hunter.

With my phone gripped tightly in my hand I read his most recent text three times over and it remains the same every time. He said that he would be here but he was running late due to some unforeseen circumstance that had something to do with a tree, the football team, and a missing shoe. I wasn't entirely sure what that meant but I had no want for any further detail on whatever connected all of those things together.

I started to tap my foot waiting for Luz to return. She'd noticed how stressed I was and offered to go get a drink and bring it back to me. I just agreed automatically, but at seeing a guy approach me I had met at the other Galas many times before, I just wanted her to get back here faster. Talking with people like him was never fun and this guy was the most entitled and uninteresting of them all. Wherever he went, only rude and unkind words, as well as poor actions, followed.

"Well if it isn't the youngest Blight. Still doing everything your parents tell you to?" He asked me in a condescending tone and I rolled my eyes.

"Depends," I deadpanned, "are you still acting like your above everyone who unfortunately finds themselves in your presence?" I asked showing him how unimpressed I had been through the look on my face.

"I know green is your color but jealousy does not look good on you." He smirked unaffected by me.

"Jealous of the people who haven't met you? Yes, I truly am." I told him already tired of him.

"Oh don't get all high and mighty on me now." He said with irritation and I smirked knowing I had gotten to him in some way. "You're just some stuck-up rich girl living in the shadow of your parents pretending that you belong here." He spat through gritted teeth and where I had struck a nerve in him, he'd turned around and used his words to strike my heart right back.

His words stung because he didn't understand how wrong he was. He had no idea what my life was like nor would he ever try to. I had to hold back the tears his words had started to bring out of me. He wasn't wrong about me not belonging here. Emira was always so much better at these things than me. Though suddenly I felt a presence beside me. At first, I thought it was Hunter and I smiled hoping he could get me out of this mess and as far from this guy as possible. 

"Is there something going on here Blight?" I heard her deep voice ask. She seemed to be burning holes into the guy. I wasn't sure what to do knowing that Luz was here instead of Hunter, but the guy was being insistently rude and I just wanted him to go away. I didn't have the willpower to handle him like I usually did. Ignoring him wasn't an option anymore with the state of emotional turmoil I had been in recent times. So I took a deep breath and hoped she would play along with what I was about to do next.

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