Chapter Nine

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"Oh wow." I heard Amity gasp from behind me. Her facial reaction was so priceless I had to hold in my laughter. There in front of us stood the greenery house at the back of my job. There were lights strung up all around giving the environment a magical glow. The flowers looked different in this lightning which brought out a happiness that started to make its way from my stomach to form a wide, bright smile on my face.

"I know right?" I turned to look at her from the sight laid out in front of us. "The best view you will ever see at this time of night. Well, at least one that money can't buy. I'm sure you've had the chance to see a fair share of beauty in your life, but for me, this is it. I like to find beauty in the smaller things life has to offer." I explained before motioning her to follow me. The rain had let up once again yet it seemed like a storm was headed our way from the looks of the clouds. With that knowledge in mind, I decided to take her to our real destination, the building that housed my workplace.

Walking closer to the back door I heard Amity catch up and voice her concerns. "Isn't that building closed? How are you supposed to get in there?" She questioned.

"We, how are we going to get in? And your answer is right here." I said while holding my employee access card in hand. "I work here and if you think the greenery is nice, wait until you see what I actually brought you here for," I spoke with confidence as I used my card to open the back door.

She looked between me and the door unimpressed. Scoffing, she said, "I doubt anything you're going to show me in here beats that." She said while her hand motioned to the greenery behind her.

"Patience Blight. You'll soon see." I motioned my arm for her to head in first. Looking at me suspiciously for a moment she simply rolled her eyes and entered. As we were walking through I made sure to keep all the lights out in order not to spoil the surprise.

"So..." She began awkwardly beside me. " work here?" She asked me while looking around in the dark.

I smiled as I responded. "Yes actually. It's a really fun job and it pays decently enough. I get a lot of hours here so it's basically like a second home." I explained as we approached our destination. I felt awkward, unsure of how to talk to her, especially in our current setting. We weren't fighting, not like we usually did, we were actually talking. And, with how unfamiliar and uncomfortable it felt, I had to fill the silence with something before it grew worse.

"So how long-" Amity started.

"How has-" And at the same time I had also started speaking.

I froze as both of us stopped in the middle of the hall staring at each other. In an attempt to make it less awkward, we'd both tried to fill the silence at the same time only managing to do the opposite. We both stayed quiet for a moment and after some time I decided it would be safe to try again.

"You can go first-" We both stated at the same time and in my head, I had been screaming at myself. This was not going according to plan. I'd been scolding myself in my own head before a sudden soft chuckle escaped passed Amity's lips bringing my attention back to her.

"We're quite the pair aren't we?" She told me gently and the sound of it caused my stomach to flip. "Perfect for each other." I know she'd only been joking. We were a mess together sometimes. I knew this but still, the comment affected me more than I wanted to admit. Yet, it wasn't in a good way.

"Perfectly wrong you mean?" I commented with a heavy feeling settling in my gut and she shook her head at me.

"I don't know." She mumbled attempting to fight back a smile. At seeing this I let my guard down and my real feelings seep through.

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