Chapter Sixteen

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When I first woke up, the light pouring into the room from the window blinded me, it took me a while to adjust to how bright it was. Once my vision cleared, however, I had a massive headache. Shouldn't have stayed up late like that working on ideas for the article. I knew that I was going to regret it.

Looking over towards my alarm clock I saw that it was already late into the morning by my standards. Rolling over towards my side table I reached to take my phone off the charger seeing some notifications. I sighed as I sat up while opening my phone I rubbed the night's sleep from my eyes. Or at least what little sleep I did manage to get that is. My brows furrowed as I came across a text from Luz Noceda on my screen.

'Hey Blight, since we have today off I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a tutoring session some time? Could use some help from that brain of yours.' Her message read. Other than her wording of it feeling off I decided that she had made a good point. Today would be the perfect day to help her with some of her work. And though a Friday off of school spent with Luz is not how I envisioned my day, this was my job, and I had every intention of doing it whether the school was open or not.

I moved to push myself up feeling the pain from the force and weight I had placed on my bad hand without realizing it. Should have thought that one through. Looking down and, lifting my still bandaged hand, I have reminded myself of the events that took place yesterday. Luz's words still lingered in the back of my mind and thinking back on them stung. It shouldn't have, and I hated to admit it, but it did. It shouldn't matter. I don't want it to matter.

Then again, maybe I had no clue what I wanted. Once again when it came to her I found myself faced with more questions than answers and more emotions than there were reasons for them. In the end, I only ever needed one reason, and that was simply Luz Noceda. I was thinking of her again. I'd been thinking of her a lot more than I usually would have lately.

Looking at the time the text had been sent I was relieved to see it was recent. Even though it was from Luz, I didn't want to ghost her when she was asking for something of this nature from me. 'Sure. What time works for you? Can you send me your address?' This is what I decided to respond with as I got up to ready myself for the day. As I sat down to eat breakfast I heard the vibration come from my phone indicating Luz had responded.

Pulling my phone out I noticed my sister walk into the kitchen. "Hey, Mittens!" She said while passing me and ruffling up my hair.

"Hey! Quit it!" I shouted while fixing my hair and looking at the text. She had sent me her address saying anytime works for her. I went to respond but my sister took my phone from my hand. "Emira! Give that back!" I shouted trying to grab it from her hand.

"Who are you texting? Noceda? Aw, is this that girl you complain about all the time? Do you want to be her girlfriend?" She teased as she lifted my phone out of reach. The comment made my face flush from anger.

"Absolutely not in a million years! We hate each other! The only reason I'm texting her is that I'm being forced to tutor her." I yelled, ripping my phone from her hand and sitting back down fuming.

"You keep telling yourself that! Anyway, I'm going out to hang out with some friends. They're picking me up so you can use my car. Have fun!" She shouted grabbing her jacket before stopping to turn towards me with a look and her finger pointed out at me. "But not too much fun." She warned teasingly and I felt my face grow red though I'd been uncomfortable by her insinuation.

"Ew! Seriously Emira?" I screamed at her appalled. In response, she just chuckled and left out the door leaving me angered and my mood sour. Looking back at my phone I told Luz I would be there within the next hour before grabbing my school bag and the car keys and heading out the door.

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