Chapter Twenty

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It had been a week. The last time I'd had a real conversation with Luz other than our usual banter in passing within the halls or our tutoring sessions was when she'd returned my brother's suit the day after the Gala. I opened the door not entirely expecting to see her at all. Yet there she stood leaning one arm against the door frame while the other held out the suit. Unlike myself, I froze unsure of what to say to her so I simply didn't say anything.

I should have thanked her. I should have told her how much what she had done meant to me. How, because of her, I'd managed to shock my mother yet at the same time make her look at me with the proudest look I had seen on her face in a long time. I should have done anything other than stand there. But I didn't and before I could she'd already spoken up in my place. She mumbled a few things I didn't catch in my unmoving state before she gave me a two-fingered salute and left down the path out of my sight.

And I stayed there for a few more moments looking on at the empty space created by her absence. My sister snapped me out of it after asking me why I had been standing there with the door wide open staring off into space. That was a week ago though.

Now I was sitting staring off into space in math class lost in thought. "Amity?" I heard Hunter's gentle voice call my name and I turned to see him standing next to my desk with his backpack on his shoulder. "It's time for lunch." At his mention of this, I looked around finding the classroom empty with only the two of us remaining. I must have missed the bell while I was stuck in my head. "You ready to go?" He asked and I gave him a nod while grabbing my stuff.

Getting up I stepped out into the hall realizing everyone was probably already at lunch. "You seem to have something on your mind." He commented and my eyes met his. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head snapping back into focus.

"No, I'm good," I reassured him with a smile. "I just have a lot to think about. I need to talk to Gus about going to your game tonight. We need to discuss the article and such." I told him and he gave me a smile.

"Then I guess you'll be looking for him in the cafeteria?" He said before looking down at his watch. "I could use this time to meet with my coach anyways." He looked back up at me. "But I'll see you later tonight?" He asked and he made a point. I could go talk to Gus about it now so we could make our plans ahead of time.

"That works for me. I'll see you then." I told him and he gave me a wave before heading down the hall. Turning, I went in the opposite direction headed for the cafeteria in search of Gus. When I entered it had been loud and chaotic. It took me some time to spot Gus but when I did I approached him slowly feeling awkward.

Sure Gus and I had spoken many times before but it had only been about Press Club or on the off chance that I passed him in the hall. Some part of me deep down still felt that he only talked to me because of our work in the school newspaper and nothing more. Though my doubts instantly lifted as his eyes met mine and he waved at me enthusiastically. "Hey, Amity!" He called out and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me.

"Hey Gus," I started, "mind if I sit?" I asked and he waved me off with his hand.

"Not at all!" He exclaimed and I went to sit across from him. "What brings you here? Not that it isn't great to see you..." He trailed nervously trying to defend his words. I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder jokingly.

"I know what you meant Gus." I looked off to the side already feeling better about my previous doubts. "It's good to see you too you know? But I do want to talk about tonight. We're still planning on going to the game together right?" I asked him yet the sudden slamming of a lunch tray against the table drew my eyes. I turned seeing Willow fall into the seat next to him and let out a sigh.

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