Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"So," I started leaning back in the chair, "how'd I do?" I asked him curiously. I'd been used to these at this point. I come in every few weeks to visit my academic advisor. They were much like the first time except I was aware of the purpose of these visits. I'd read these short stories as I was timed and then I'd attempt to answer questions about the text.

"Your reading comprehension has been improving." He said while shifting through some papers and marking things down on them with his pen. "You read more words per minute and you struggle with the questions a lot less." He told me and though I hated to admit it this news made me happy. I always tried to act like I didn't care but in reality, I had wanted to do better each time. I wanted to improve upon the things I was weak at. And maybe that was Amity's voice echoing throughout my head or maybe it was the way I got my mother's face to light up when I showed her I had been doing better.

Either way, I was excited by this news and I tried to bite back my smile as I went to respond. "Maybe these dumb short stories aren't so bad after all," I commented earning a deep chuckle from him as I referenced the words I'd used to describe them the first time.

"I guess not." As I moved to get up his sudden voice called out to me stopping me at the door. "Hey Luz," he said and I turned to face him once more, "there's one more thing I wanted to speak with you about." He informed me and I groaned.

"What now?" I complained jokingly before dragging my feet toward his desk as he shook his head with a smile sent my direction.

"I know you're in a hurry to leave your super cool academic advisor," he paused before he went on, "but this is important." He finished before picking up a flyer and handing it to me. "The art club had mentioned all of your help painting things for the theater and I realized you don't have an art class on your schedule." I furrowed my brows before flipping it around and looking down at the paper in my hand.

"But they have been really impressed with your work for the theater. And I've been wondering, have you considered showcasing your art more?" I read from the paper seeing it was some weird art showcase that students could enter to win a prize though I completely skimmed over it and was still stuck on why they would give me this. So what if I drew a little? That didn't make me an artist worthy of sharing my work, did it?

I never really thought of my art that way though I did enjoy drawing and I was aware that I was okay at it. "If you were interested you could participate in it. And if you weren't interested in it you could always help the art class with the mural they are making in the hall next to the science class." He continued and I looked at him feeling something close to dread build within my stomach for some reason. I swallowed hard as he gave me a warm smile sensing my duress somehow.

"Just think about it okay? No pressure." He told me gently and I took a step back forcing a smile.

"Yeah, sure," I said before shoving the paper in my bag and heading for the library to finish off the rest of my study hall in a place I could take the time to think. I rushed out of the door only to crash right into someone. I stumbled back and looked down to see some things that had fallen to the ground. I moved to pick them up for the person who dropped them seeing a book about engineering. 

"Sorry about that I wasn't watching where-" I paused as I stood and my eyes locked with Matt's. He seemed to grow stiff and take a step back.

"It's fine Noceda. I wasn't looking where I was going either." He shifted awkwardly while scratching the side of his head and taking his things from my hand. "Actually, have you seen Amity? I need to talk to her." He mumbled in hesitance. His question caught me off guard and given our not-so-good track record due to our history, I felt myself grow defensive. What would he need to talk to Amity about? He shouldn't be associating with her because of the way he acted in the past.

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