Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Gus, that quote doesn't make sense there," I comment while rubbing my temples and letting out a long sigh.

"Really?" He leaned forward to read over the quote again with a focused look. "Yeah, I guess I could move it down here." He mumbled before underlining it and drawing an arrow pointing further down the page. Then he shifted to lean back into the chair I had let him borrow before closing his eyes for a few moments.

Receiving such a curt response from him is not something I had been expecting. He was usually one for more words than necessary in most cases. Not one to remain quiet when a room is void of noise; he'd usually jump at the chance to fill that void. Though we both had been working in my room for a good amount of time by this point that fewer words weren't just necessary but preferred.

"I think I'm going to go downstairs and get us some water. We could use a break." Gus stated before standing, sliding his chair back, and heading out of my room. Taking his lead I relaxed into my chair and closed my eyes for a moment. Though a moment later there was a knock on my door and I furrowed my brows. Gus just left though? Wouldn't he just come back in without knocking? Instead of questioning it, I called out, "Come in Gus." Before shifting my posture and hovering over the papers spread across my desk once more.

I'd started to make notes on one of the draft sheets when I felt a pair of hands suddenly covering my eyes and I jumped at the contact. "Guess who?" A voice asked and it had Hunter's. That realization led me to smile. I would have questioned why he was in my room if I weren't so happy with the fact that he was there.

"The devilishly handsome nephew of Belos?" I asked with a teasing tone while raising a brow. His hands left my eyes as he groaned and I turned to see him fall back onto my bed leading me to laugh.

"Will I ever live that down?" He asked before moving to sit up on my bed yet still giving me a warm smile.

"Not while looking like that you won't," I told him before sending him a wink and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm flattered. How did I ever get so lucky to be stuck with you?" He asked me sarcastically and I giggled to myself. "How have you and your sister been by the way?" He asked changing the subject so fast I had to blink a few times for it to come to process fully as I turned in my chair to face him fully.

"We're doing okay," I told him in a soft voice while moving to cross the room and sit on the bed next to him. I brought one of my knees up and started fidgeting with the laces of my shoe. "I think I need new shoes," I mumbled absentmindedly while looking at them.

"No, they just need," he started while taking a marker from his pocket and leaning forward taking my shoe in his hands. Then he proceeded the write on it and I tried to steal a glance at it. "There," he said before leaning back and placing the cap back on the marker, "just a little touch of character." He said while a cheeky grin as I shifted forward to look at it. My eyes caught sight of the words 'Hunter was here' in his handwriting and I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, I can already see the difference," I stated bluntly before cracking a smile after hearing the light chuckle that escaped him.

"Just looking out for you and putting my creative ability to good use." He winked at me and I scoffed. "How do you not get tired of me?" He mumbled the question as a joke, but there was something passing through his eyes, doubt. He'd been doubting himself or me or something. Somehow, for some reason, it looked like he needed reassurance.

"Because you're my best friend and...I love you." I whispered, the words slipping passed my lips, falling from my mouth without much thought. Yet the shock I'd felt from my words wasn't enough to stop me from continuing. In fact, it only encouraged me more. "It'd be impossible for me to get tired of you. I can't get enough of you half the time." I admitted to him, admiring him with a fond smile.

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