Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"So how have you been?" Hunter asked me with a warm smile wiping sweat from his forehead. We were both standing on the school's football field as Hunter waited for practice. He'd asked me if I wanted to go early with him so we could hang out on the field until everyone started to show up. We were both still alone on the field as Hunter warmed up. He tilted his head and waved his hand in front of my face snapping me back from my thoughts.

I thought he looked odd with his goofy smile considering it screamed the opposite of his athletic build. His personality didn't match him when he was all sporty like this. "I'm good Hunter. Thanks for checking though." His face relaxed at my response before he let out a long sigh.

"Well considering everything you told me I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay." He told me before running his fingers through his hair to push it back from his face only for it to fall back covering his eyes. I chuckled at this feeling warm from how he made sure to check in on me. It was nice to know how much he cared about me. I felt the same way for him.

"How about you?" I asked him in return as he leaned down picking up a football and spinning it in his hands for a moment before offering me a smirk.

"I've been great. Football has been fun and I've been getting better with this new style of coaching Hexide offers." He said before suddenly passing the football to me and I somehow managed to catch it out of pure reflex. "Do you want to be my QB and help me with some passing drills?" He asked me and my eyes grew wide.

"What," I started looking from the ball up to him, "what do I do with this?" I asked him confused and he let out a warm chuckle.

"You just throw it to me and I catch it. Think about the film you and Gus watched for your article or what you've seen from my games." This only made things more complicated in my head. Sure I listened to Gus when he narrated the games and I've been picking up an understanding of a few things, but that in no way makes me an expert. He only shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully. "Just throw it to me." He mumbled before taking a few steps back and holding his hands up ready. I looked down at the ball before shoving it forward and he paused watching it roll on the field not even getting near him.

"Wow," he started picking it up from his feet, "that was really bad." He commented as his eyes met mine and I threw my arms up at this.

"I told you I'm not athletic!" I exclaimed and he shook his head before coming up to stand beside me.

"You weren't even holding it right which was your first mistake. Can I show you?" He asked me gently and I realized what he'd meant. I gave him a nod and he grasped my hands before placing them on the ball properly as they should have been. "Now instead of just shoving it forward," he placed his hand on my arm and brought it back before guiding it forward. He then repeated the motion and took a step back before taking his previous place in front of me. "Now try throwing it again." He asked me.

I looked down at my hand changing my grip to how he'd shown me before bringing my arm back and throwing it as he taught me. He moved forward to catch it as I underthrew it but then he looked back at me in excitement. "There you go Amity! Nice job!" He shouted before coming up to me and we shared a high five as I felt a large smile grow from it.

"I just did a sport!" I yelled and his enthusiasm only encouraged me.

"You want to try that again?" He asked me and I gave him a vigorous nod. And that is what we ended up doing. We passed the ball back and forth and he even taught me how to catch it while talking casually. He spoke of his day, of practice, and of upcoming games while I returned the favor by talking about Press Club and tutoring. It was nice to have this moment with him even if it was only for a short while.

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